Day 2268 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 22:6 NIV

Taking a bit of a diversion from our regularly scheduled program, today we get to celebrate! We get to take some time to appreciate some of God's biggest and most undeserved blessings in our lives. Our moms are without a doubt some of the most important people in our lives. With a job that many of us will never understand, they are the ones that do it all with more love and care than any of us could possibly ask for!

God knew that we'd need all the help that we can get! Let's face the facts, we're all little heathens! We'd run around with our hair on fire and covered in dirt if we were left to our own devices. But thankfully He created our mothers to help us learn that staying wild and crazy isn't the best way to get through life. Not that we don't still have those streaks in us, but they just help us direct that energy in more heathy and productive ways.

This is one of those days that always seemed a little strange. Not that we shouldn't celebrate our mothers, but that we shouldn't only do it on one day. Every day should bring that same appreciation for the ladies in our lives that do so much for us. They love, encourage, support, teach, guide, correct, nurture, provide, cheer for, and inspire us every single day of our lives. Our moms are always with us, and they always will be. And that's a gift that we should celebrate every single day that we're given!

Our moms are what the Bible is talking about here in Proverbs. They help direct us in the way we should go. They help us learn right from wrong. They show us how to love unconditionally. They push us to be the very best that we can be. And they encourage us to keep trying when we fall short! They pick us up when we fall, nurse us when we're sick, listen when we're hurting, and share their wisdom when we're confused. In short, they're exactly what we need right when we need it!

I can't imagine my life without my mom, and I'm sure that you will say the same thing. Just knowing that we have such loving, strong, inspiring, and often funny people to count on is truly one of God's greatest gifts. So to all of the mothers out there, thank you for everything you do! Thank you for seeing past the dirt and the stains and helping us every step along this journey of life. You can never be thanked enough for all you do. And you will never know how much you're loved and appreciated!!

Happy Mother's Day!!


  1. Amen. And as one of the moms of this world it is a blessing to be trusted with such a job. Thank you Father.

    1. Well I'm glad He gave it to you because you do an amazing job of it! Love you Momma!!


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