Day 2269 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Mark 16:15 NIV

Alrighty, back on track here. We had been talking about the massive importance of sharing the Gospel with the world around us. So many are still trapped in the grip in of sin and shame. There is a scary amount of evil in our world. And odds are, with the way things are going, it's only going to get worse. But you and I have the lifeline that can pull people out of the current of despair. We have Jesus and His message of redemption and freedom!

I was thinking about this a little yesterday and I think that many of us get focused on the personal side of faith. That's a very important thing. Each of us should make our walk with the Lord our main priority in life. It needs to be the very foundation that we build everything else upon. But we can't forget the other side of the coin. We can't ignore the calling of this verse.

Jesus didn't say to go into our rooms and preach the Gospel to ourselves. He doesn't ask us to keep this gift of salvation to just us alone. He doesn't want us to take the light that He has poured into our hearts and lock it away where only we can enjoy it. His gift, His sacrifice is for everyone! We can't keep that to ourselves. It's too big, too important, and too necessary. People need to hear about the freedom and forgiveness that are found in Christ!

How can we go through life knowing what Christ has done for us and not want to share that with everyone? How can we look at the lost and hurting in our world and not tell them about their Savior? How can we know that we have the key to freedom from sin and shame and not use it to help unlock the chains that others are trapped in? It just doesn't make sense. The Bible calls us to be selfless and Christ is the ultimate example of that. Time for us to follow His example and do what He needs us to do.

Please don't keep Christ to yourself. Everyone everywhere needs to hear His name and the truth of what He has done for them. It changed our lives. It continues to change our lives every single day. Everyone should get the chance to experience what we have. Everyone should have the opportunity to meet their Savior. We have the chance to play a part in Christ changing lives for the better. Can't drop the ball when there is such a desperate need for light in our world!



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