Day 2270 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.
Ephesians 5:11 NIV
We've all known what it's like to live in darkness. We've all felt that need to hide and cover up our deeds to avoid the shame of them coming to light. Each of us have said and done things that we are far from proud of. And now that we've learned about Christ and the freedom He offers us, we know that living in the dark isn't good enough anymore. Once you've experienced His light how could you possibly go back to living in the dark?
There are so many out there who act like sin is okay. They share this foolish idea of doing whatever you want to do without fear of consequences. That sounds all great, but we know the truth of the Gospel. Therefore we can't play that worldly game anymore. We can't pretend a little sin, a little darkness, a little evil is okay. It's not. It never will be. So stop thinking you can go along with the wickedness of this world and still serve Christ at the same time.
As we've been talking about a lot here lately, there are countless people who are still trapped in the dark. So many are still lost in sin. Many have bought the lie that our choices have no consequences. Many may have never heard the name Jesus. That's where you and I come in. We're the ones to help spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. We're the ones to tell those around us about the free gift of salvation. We're the ones to help send the darkness running!
Now that we have experienced His freedom, we can't keep that to ourselves. I think my mom summed it up the best: we would want someone to tell us if we didn't know. Can you imagine being lost in a world of shame and never know that there was a way out? We know the way out and we can help Him set people free from that weight of guilt and shame. But only if we fight the good fight.
That's exactly what we're called to do. Not to make sin seem acceptable. Not to help make people comfortable living in the darkness. Not to go along with the wicked ways in which this world operates. No, we're called to live in His light and help others see the very real danger of sin. The darkness of this world cannot overcome the light of Christ. So carry that light everywhere to everyone. Let's help Him save as many as possible!
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