Day 2271 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ephesians 5:8 NIV

It's something that each of us have experienced. Something so powerful, so restoring, and so moving that we should do anything we can to give those around us the opportunity to feel it for themselves. The radical shift that happens when we turn away from the darkness in exchange for the light of Christ is indescribable! The greatest gift we've ever been given.

We've talked a lot about not keeping this to ourselves. It's the kind of different that our whole world seriously needs. The darkness of this place ain't getting any better. In fact, if you've read the Bible you'll know that it's going to get worse. That's why we need to be sharing the message of salvation with everyone we can. Things may get worse but people don't have to suffer. There is freedom!

Each of us know what it's like to live in darkness. We've all been there. Trapped inside of more guilt and shame than we ever thought was possible. Feelings of sadness, confusion, frustration, regret, and anger. All of those negative feelings and emotions keep joy at a distance. We know what it's like to feel like we can't break free from the weight of our mistakes. It's agonizing.

But people all around us are still dealing with that. They're still chained to the mistakes they've made. They're still feeling crushed under the weight of shame. They're still lost, stumbling around in the dark desperately trying to find a way out. They're looking for light! And well, we all know the ultimate light, the light of Jesus Christ. So it's time that we share it. It's time that we live like children of His light and brighten this place up!

It's not easy. It's not quick. It's not always understandable. But leaving the darkness behind and asking Christ to take the lead in our lives is the best thing that we can ever do. We're called to walk differently than the world we're passing through. We need to be the ones who think, act, speak, and live in such a way that gives others hope that there is true freedom in Jesus. We know that there is, and we know that He can do for them what He's done for us. Reach out and tell someone about Him and give them the chance to experience His salvation for themselves!


  1. Amen. Very good post. We can make a difference. He will give us everything we need to make the difference for him. Tell the world. Do not worry about opinions or anything else. Tell the wonderful news of God and his son our savior that died to save us.

    1. Yep! That story is the very definition of life-changing. Everyone needs to hear it! Doesn't matter if it makes people uncomfortable or if it makes them not like us. What matters is telling everyone we can about Jesus.


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