Day 2272 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ephesians 4:25 NIV

We've been taught so many lies by the world around us. One of the biggest is that not hurting feelings is more important than telling the truth. People want to do whatever they want to do without fear of ridicule or repercussion. We've taken this whole idea of freedom and used to suit our own selfish ideals of what we want life to be. But in order to do things our way and not feel bad about it we have to shove the truth out of our way.

We think that letting people do whatever they want is what's best. Let others be. Don't rock the boat. A little white lie won't hurt. Tell others what they want to hear. All of those things may lead to less friction but they also lead to more problems. We think that avoiding the truth and not telling people about the dangers of sin is easier. But as easy as it may be it just doesn't help anyone. Lying to ourselves or those around us only keeps us from the growth that comes with knowing the truth.

We have to stop sweeping things under the rug. We need to stop avoiding the truth because it might hurt some feelings. What's worse: some hurt feelings or an eternity of suffering? Not even close! We owe it to everyone to be honest and stop avoiding the painful or awkward truth that confronts our comfort. Christ doesn't ask us to do what makes us comfortable. He asks us to do what makes us better followers of Him.

So while the world may tell us that leaving others alone to do whatever they want to do is the best way, the Bible tells us something far different. We can't keep pretending that sin isn't so bad. We can't go along with the foolishness around us and think that we're helping make things better. We can't tell people that they can do whatever messed up thing they want to do and think that we're loving them.

Look, loving others isn't always about being nice. It's about wanting the very best for them no matter what. And continuing to live in sin isn't what's best for anyone. Hearing the truth, confronting our weaknesses, and fighting to leave the darkness behind is what's best. But we can't do any of those things if we avoid the truth so that we don't ruffle any feathers. Being comfortable with our sins and weaknesses doesn't make us better. It only keeps us the same. And staying the same prevents us growing in the truth and in Christ.

Friends, we're all together in this. It definitely doesn't seem like it at times. But no matter how many differences we may have, we still have the responsibility to push one another to be the best that we can be. And again, living in sin and choosing comfort over improvement isn't going to help anyone. We need to stop avoiding the truth because it hurts. We need to face that hurt together and come out the other side better and stronger because of it!


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