Day 2273 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ephesians 4:23 NIV

It's really no wonder that our faith leads us through this radical transformation that we didn't know we needed to experience. The problem is that from the first time we open our eyes we're learning from the world around us. And well, so many of the lessons that this place teaches us aren't right, truthful, or helpful. Sadly we've learned to see things the wrong way.

We've been taught that beauty is found in photoshop and airbrushes. We've been taught that money is the most valuable thing there is. We've learned that having everything we want is the only way to happiness. We've been told that having a fancy title and a lot of power is the only way to be important. We've learned that fitting in and going along with the ways of this world is easier and will lead to acceptance. We've seen that the truth isn't popular and not as acceptable as a bunch of lies.

I could go on for a long time, but I'll just assume you get my point. This place is full of lies and foolishness. And when we've spent as much time as we have learning from the world then we've naturally learned to believe that nonsense. Thankfully our faith gives us a fresh start, a new beginning, a chance to start over and learn the truth from our Father. We get to to unlearn all the lies that we've been taught and learn to see things the way that God does.

I've said it countless times in all these posts that we've shared. God didn't create us to be like this world. He didn't create us to think the same messed up ways that this place thinks. He made us to be like Him. He created us in His image. He calls us to think on things that are above the filth and foolishness around us. He sent His Son to reach down and pull us up and out of the ways of sin that we'd always known. It's clear that He wants better for us than what this world has made us.

So start over. Forget everything that the world has taught and told you. Let go of the lies that you've believed so that you can take hold of the truth. Look, if our faith doesn't change us then we've missed the point. Jesus didn't die on the cross for us to walk away the same. We need to be changed. We need to learn to think in new ways. We need to learn to see things differently. We need to learn from God and stop listening to the messed up place we're passing through!


  1. Amen. To be reborn. A new creation and to walk with Jesus.

    1. Yep, it's a radical change that we never knew we always needed.


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