Day 2275 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Galatians 5:1 NIV

Continuing yesterday's thought about how sin is a crutch that keeps us relying on it. We get used to looking for the pleasure and excitement that sin offers. But what we don't realize is that the more we look to to sin to bring us a rush of adrenaline the more dependent upon it we become. Slowly we become slaves to that feeling, that rush, the self-indulgent thrill without even knowing it.

Sin wants to keep us relying on it so that we fall further and further into the lies. It wants to break us down to the point that we don't know how to walk, how to think, how to live without it. Sin starts out as a crutch that we lean on to bring us selfish satisfaction. But eventually it becomes a cage around us that we don't know how to break out of. We're trapped.

The thing is that God doesn't want to see us in cages. He doesn't want anyone to be under the control of sinful desires. He doesn't want any of us to be reliant on evil to bring us joy or excitement or anything else. He wants us to be free. He wants us to live! That's why He sent Christ to pay our debts, open the cages, and set us free from the grip of our pasts.

You know, we think that sin is freedom because we can do whatever we want. We convince ourselves that we're free from the fear of consequences or responsibility. But in reality, sin is nothing but a world of lies. Personally, I don't want to be controlled by it anymore. I don't want to have to do what's wrong for a temporary thrill. I don't want to live my life to serve my sinful nature. I want more. I know that I was made for more. We all were!

So friends, don't buy the story that sin offers you freedom. Don't buy the story that sin offers you anything good whatsoever. Sin is empty so it can't offer us anything. It only pulls us into its trap and keeps us separated from the Father who offers us freedom and salvation. Don't go back to what Christ died to set you free from. Don't run back to the lives that you've been desperate to leave behind. Don't pick the bad habits back up again. Leave them behind and walk in the freedom that God wants for you!


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