Day 2276 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Philippians 3:16 NIV

Not sure if anyone else has those verses that stick with you every single time you read them. I have a few and this is one of them. I read it last night, and as usual, I thought about it until I passed out. It's so easy to start resting on our laurels. We think about all the changes and improvements we've made and we just get all cozy basking in the glory of what's already happened. But if we're not careful we can become lazy and complacent.

That's not a good place to be with anything in life. It cuts off any chance at further growth or improvements. We stop trying to go further because we tell ourselves that what we've already done is good enough. But when it comes to our faith, it's one of the worst things that we can possibly let happen. While what we've accomplished and experienced in our faith up until today has been amazing, we shouldn't stop there.

Faith doesn't have a finish line. It's not a goal. It's a way of living our lives every day that we're given. We're not just going to get to a place where we feel comfortable or proud of what's been done and stop there. What would be the point of that? Faith is something that we can grow, improve, and strengthen without limit. That's why we have to keep pushing. We have to keep craving more and more of Christ and the changes that He brings.

We have only touched the surface of what a life of faith can be. While what Christ has done in us and through us is amazing, I want to see what He can still do. I want to see what else I can do for His kingdom. I want to see how many people I can share the Gospel with. I want to feel more, go deeper, and live bigger for Him. The past is the past, and as great as it has been, the road ahead is loaded with even more opportunities to see God work in and through us.

The way I see it, He hasn't poured all that time and effort into changing our lives only for us to settle for what we think is good enough. This journey of faith is road that will lead to us to even bigger and better things than what we've already seen and felt. Stop looking for a rest stop to pull over and chill out. Live up to the changes that God has made in you. Live up to the things that He has done through you. Live up to the calling that we have in the cross. And never stop striving for more!


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