Day 2277 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Philippians 4:5 NIV

Got another one from my nightly reading last night. We so easily become a product of our surroundings. We get used to how things work and end up falling in stride just because it's easier. That's a truly unfortunate thing these days because of all the anger and division in our world. When we go along with that kind of negativity then we only perpetuate all the problems we're facing.

While we're busy picking up the poor habits of humanity we don't realize what we're doing. We're forgetting the importance of being different. We're forgetting that doing the same things that the world does will only get us the the same results that we're seeing all around us. Most of all we're forgetting that the example of Christ shows us how to live a life that makes a difference, that makes an impact.

These days gentleness is all but non-existent. It's nearly impossible to sift through all the muck and monotony of anger and dissent. Everyone is so busy fighting with one another over everything. My sister said she even saw a bunch of people fighting over that pumpkin spice stuff that people drink. Do any of these foolish disagreements accomplish anything? Is anyone made better by constantly bickering and yelling at each other?

I don't know about anyone else but I'm seriously sick of it. Everywhere you look there's someone attacking someone else. There's some new argument that people are wrapped up in. There is so much negativity in our world today, and well, that's exactly why we need to be as different as we can possibly be! That's why we need to actually be living out the calling we have in Jesus. To be a light. To be love. To be uplifting and encouraging. To be Christians!

So yes, as this verse puts it, let your gentleness be evident to all. Be as kind as you can be. Sew seeds of peace and understanding. Be quicker to listen than you are to start yelling. Simply put, be the good that you want to see in the world. It starts with us. We can't let ourselves settle for doing what this broken world is doing. We have to do better. We have to! The Lord is near, He is watching, and He wants us to rise above the garbage we're surrounded by. We can't afford to let Him down!


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