Day 2278 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Colossians 1:28 NIV

There are so many goals in this world. People are chasing after countless different things. Some want fame and popularity. Others are all about that money. Still others want a bunch of material possessions. The point is that everyone has their opinions about what's important. And well, to be blunt, most of it is pretty much the exact opposite. Most of it is nothing but temporary.

That's why sharing the Gospel is so crucial. It's not temporary. It's not limited by the span of life on this earth. It's not going to pass away when this globe stops spinning. It's eternal. It's the power to save every single soul that turns to Christ and leaves the wants and desires of these lives behind. The gift of salvation is something that is so big that it's hard to comprehend. Pretty sure that makes it a goal truly worth chasing!

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I want everyone to be broke and miserable. I just don't want anyone to put their hope and security in something tangible. I want more for everyone. I want everyone to know that peace of having a relationship with Jesus. I want everyone to know that when these lives end that there is something bigger waiting. I want everyone to be able to see beyond the normal pursuits of humanity and focus on something that brings true freedom.

So much of what we've been told matters simply won't when these lives end. Bank accounts stay behind. Houses and cars don't come with us. But a relationship with Christ lasts forever. It does come with us. It opens the doors to eternity in Heaven. So while those other things may seem so important right now, some day they won't mean a thing. And if that's the case then maybe they're not that important after all.

My point is that our goal should be growing in Christ. We have to be focused on pointing others to Him and not all this worldly stuff. Look, He's not going to care if we're rich or poor. He doesn't care if we've accumulated everything we set our eyes on. He doesn't care how many followers we have or how many people agree with us. He cares about whether or not we know Him. Please don't let anything else be more important than your walk with Jesus. He is the only door to an eternity of peace!


  1. Amen. Nothing else really matters. Store up our treasures in Heaven. And if we can tell others of this amazing gift we should.

    1. Well said!! It's all about the life to come and we should want everyone to have the opportunity at it!


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