Day 2279 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Colossians 2:15 NIV

There's a power found in our faith, in our God that we can't begin to understand. It's the power to flip the script and overturn whatever messed up version of things this world has come up with. It's the power to overcome anything and everything that stands in the way of His purposes. It's the power to redeem, to save, to heal, to free. And friends, that power is available to every single person who believes in Him. I haven't the foggiest idea why anyone wouldn't want that!

Christ is the ultimate 180. He turns darkness into light. He trades our pasts for His promises. He can take the worst that this world can dish out and use it for good. There is nothing that He can't fix, overcome, or help us work through. He literally took the worst, most humiliating form of punishment that our world could offer and used to show His mercy, love, compassion, and forgiveness! He took what was meant to bring shame and used it to bring salvation.

This world likes to try and create its own version of truth and the rules that go along with it. We're taught that going with the flow is what's expected of us. We're used to saying only what people want to hear so that we don't offend them. You have to fit in, say only what everyone else says is acceptable, let others do whatever they want, and submit to the vile way of life that society says is okay. Safe to say that this place has let this illusionary power go to its head!

This world doesn't get to decide what's right and what's wrong. God's already done that. Our man-made rules cannot overturn His. He has already overcome this place. He's already sealed the victory over sin and darkness. And in doing so, He set us free from the fear of man. He set us free from the burden of thinking that we have to go along with what our broken society has deemed acceptable. Christ has disarmed the powers of this place and used their broken ways to fulfill His promises.

Although it might not seem like it now, the things that this world is doing will not stand. This place can try whatever it wants but it will never be able to undo what Christ has done. It cannot unravel God's plans! All of the evil and foolishness in this place will be made a spectacle of when He returns. Please don't be on the wrong side of that! If He can take what was meant to shame and kill and use it to bring salvation and eternal life then I want to be on His team! No doubt about it.


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