Day 2282 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 John 3:6 NIV

Yesterday we talked about putting our old lives to death and living for something better. That's the opportunity that Christ gave us through the cross. And it's the opportunity that all of us seriously need to take full advantage of! There's no shame in admitting that our lives before Christ were less than stellar. But there is shame in choosing to continue to live under the control of sin and the darkness that it brings. The Gospel is meant to spark change!

As Christians, sin doesn't have a place in our lives. Now none of us will ever be perfect. But it's our duty to take notice of our sins and mistakes and actively work to do better. We can't do as the world does and pretend that sin isn't all that bad. We can't allow ourselves to see it as anything other than the deadly disease that it truly is. If we let up in this fight it will consume us. But as we've discussed here lately, God didn't create us to be controlled by the wicked ways of a fallen society. He created us to follow Him and fight to live better lives.

So much of today's religion looks no different than the world around it. That's just not good enough for us as Christians. Our faith in Christ should be so clearly noticeable through our words and actions that people don't even have to ask what we believe. We should be different. We should look different. We should speak, act, think, and live different. If we look no different than the world then we should ask ourselves just how much of a priority our faith really is to us.

Christ took our sins upon Himself and carried them all the way to the grave so that we could leave them behind. We can't go right back to the sins that we cried out to be forgiven! That's like putting your hand on a hot burner, getting burned, and then doing it again just to make sure it really hurt. Just doesn't make any sense. He didn't die so that we could keep on doing whatever our broken nature wants to do. He endured all that to help us see just what sin really causes. And friends, we don't want any part of it!

Look, if we're going to call ourselves Christians then our lives better reflect it. If we truly want to live a life of faith then we have to address the sin in our lives and strive to leave it behind. Continuing to allow sin some control over us isn't good enough. We have to do better. We should realize that there is a way of life that is so much better that we should give every ounce of ourselves to chase it down. As we talked about yesterday, a part of us has to die if we truly want to live for Christ. Otherwise, we're just living in sin and trying to tell ourselves otherwise.


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