Day 2283 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Thessalonians 4:7 NIV

I read this one last night and well it pretty much sums of the last few posts just about perfectly. Friends, He didn't create us to pick up the habits of this world. Unfortunately that's exactly what we've all done. We've learned how to live from the ways that everyone around us lives. The world we're travelling through loves everything unholy. Doesn't matter if it's right or helpful as long as it brings a little fun or popularity or other temporary pleasure.

Learning lessons from worldly teachers leaves us broken and confused. This world doesn't have the right to say what's right or wrong. People don't get to choose what is acceptable or holy. That comes from God alone. His word tells us what's right and wrong. His Spirit leads us to things that are holy and righteous. But when we stop listening to Him, stop reading His word, and stop focusing on following His lead then we're going to get caught up in the mess around us.

This feels like one of those things that I say way too often. I sometimes wonder if I talk about it too much. But the importance of the message far outweighs the risk of it seeming repetitive. God didn't create us to be like the world. He created us to be like Him. Now it's as clear as it can be that His ways and the ways of the world are as vastly different as they can get. We need to do whatever we can to forget what society has taught us and focus instead on learning from God alone.

So let the world go on and do whatever it's going to do. You and I are responsible to live good lives no matter what anyone else does or tells us to do. We're not here to listen to the lies of a broken humanity. Settling for the brokenness of sin and darkness isn't good enough. Christ died for us, we owe Him far more than a life that's not but a copy of all the wrongs and evils that we're surrounded by.

Each of us are responsible for the lives we live. We can try to blame it on what everyone else is doing. We can try that old insanity plea. We can act like we didn't know the truth. But we do. We do know the different between right and wrong. We do know the difference between righteous and unrighteous. We do know the difference between good and evil. And whether we like it or not we are responsible for that knowledge. No getting out of it!


  1. Amen. Just as a child models themself after their father, we should do the same thing. No we can never be anywhere deserving of what we are blessed with but he knows that and he loves us. So we owe it to our Savior and our Father to be the best that we can.

    1. Well said! I really like that, we should model ourselves after our Father. We would all be far better off if we did!


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