Day 2284 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Thessalonians 5:5 NIV

This is one of those verses that gets me fired up! We forget who we are. We underestimate the power of the Gospel. We try to keep God and faith in a box that we can understand. We limit the scope of who God made us through Jesus Christ. We think the message is a book. We only worship when a certain song hits us just right. To sum it up: we cause ourselves to miss out on the purpose of a relationship with our Savior!

We are not made to live in darkness. The horrendous way of life that we've lived by choosing sin isn't good enough. Being led around by the selfish wants and desires that we've been taught to crave isn't good enough. Allowing shame and regret to keep us in hiding so that our flaws don't show isn't good enough. We have to stop thinking that we're somehow going to find happiness and peace while living in darkness!

We were all made for more than what this world chases. That's why Christ did what He did on the cross! He didn't do it to make us feel ashamed of ourselves. He did it to show us that we were created for more than the things we'd done and accepted before Him. He wanted us to see that a life of sin leads to a kind of suffering that we don't want to go through. He did it to give us the opportunity to see sin and darkness for what it is and what it brings and turn our lives around.

You won't find much good by travelling a bad road. You're not going to stumble upon light while crawling around in the dark. We will never find the hope, the peace, or the promises that we have in Christ in anything of this world. It's time that we set our sights on something better. It's time that we leave the lives of darkness behind and step into the light of our King. No more hiding. No more shame. No more guilt. No more regret.

We do not want to spend these lives living apart from God. Guys, we've been given the opportunity to leave the past behind and live for more. That's a gift that we have to run with! Stop limiting God. Stop limiting what salvation truly means. Stop allowing yourself to settle for less than what Christ offers you. A life of sin may be all fun and exciting for a moment but it will lead to an eternity that we don't want. Do not risk that by settling for darkness when we have the chance to live in His light!


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