Day 2285 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Thessalonians 5:6 NIV

WAKE UP!! This is not a test! This is not a weekly test of the emergency broadcast system! This is the real deal. This is a real emergency. This is our wake up call reminding us that the time for living apart from God is over. All of us have been stumbling around in the dark tripping over our sins and dumb choices for long enough. We've all been reliant upon worldly things to bring our joy and hope for too long. Time to wise up!

We have to start thinking clearly. That's one of the definitions of sobriety. It's being clearheaded. It's not being under the influence of anything. It's being able to see, to think, to reason, and to live clean and clear. No more sin. No more darkness. No more addiction. No more excuses. No more stupidity. Those things do nothing for us. They are nothing but crutches that we lean on when we're too lazy to learn to walk without them.

Paul reminds us just a couple of verses before this one that the Lord will come like a thief in the night. Christ is coming back. But He's not sending out RSVP cards. He's not making reservations. He isn't putting together a pre-show VIP meet and greet. He is coming at a day and time that none of us know. We're not meant to. We're meant to be ready so that whenever that hour arrives that we're not caught off guard. That we're not still under the control of the sinful ways of life that so easily corrupt and control.

We can't afford to take our eye off the prize. We can't afford to fall asleep on the job this time. There's just too much on the line. Each of us are heading for either an eternity of peace in Heaven or an eternity of suffering in hell. Right now we have the chance to pick. We get to choose by deciding which path we're going to follow: the wide road that leads to destruction that all those who are asleep are walking or the narrow path that leads to eternal salvation.

Friends, it's an easy choice! Please don't rest on this one. Don't wait to get right with God. Don't wait to address your sins. Don't leave anything hanging around in your life, your mind, or your heart that you know shouldn't be there. It is time to wake up and realize that the Bible ain't joking. This isn't some fairy tale. This is the true word of God calling us to repent and live for more than the sinful lives we've all known before. Salvation is there for the taking. Do not let that opportunity pass you by!


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