Day 2288 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Timothy 4:16 NIV

It really is incredible how the Bible can give you just what you need right when you need it. Here lately those old familiar doubts have tried creeping back in. Wondering if I'm making a difference. Wondering if I could be doing something different to reach more people with these daily Bible verses. Wondering if I should cut any of the different ideas I'm trying. But then I read this one the other night and it was about as refreshing as it gets!

When it comes down to it, if we're living our lives for God according to His will for us then we're doing exactly what we need to be doing. But we often gauge things on numbers. We want that feedback to tell us that we're doing good, that we're doing enough, and that we're heading in the right direction. We think that if we don't see an instant impact then maybe what we're doing doesn't matter. We have to stop seeing things the way the world has taught to see them.

God will lead the way for us to do what He needs us to do. And He will ensure that we have the impact we need to have for Him so long as we're living according to His plans. But if we wander off, get distracted by other things, and get caught up in those worries and doubts then we will get pulled away. We need to learn to turn those things off and shove them to the side so that they don't become stumbling blocks that keep tripping us up.

The bottom line is that we're here to live for Christ. All the numbers, all the feedback, all the opinions, all the other things we so often worry about just don't matter. Never let your life become focused on the worldly side of things. And never let your faith become dependent upon positive feedback or instant gratification. Live to share Jesus with the world. Hold tight to your beliefs and the faith that's carried you this far. Our feedback and gratification will come on the other side of this life!

The whole point of sharing the Gospel is to tell others about what Christ has done for us. It's about helping people see that they're loved, that there is hope, and that sin and shame don't have to have any power over us anymore. It has nothing to do with us or the feedback we receive. So keep sharing Jesus with the world. Even if it doesn't seem like anyone hears you. Keep doing what you feel Him calling you to do because this is all for Him!

If our lives reflect Christ and the beliefs we share with others help point them to Him then we're doing something incredible. If we quit because we allow those doubts to stop us then we're failing our Father! But if we keep going no matter what then you can be sure that we will make a difference because living for God will do just that!


  1. Amen. Can you imagine that maybe we are doing a big thing, a small thing but that maybe someday when we are in Heaven we will see someone that we made a difference to. The person that made a difference to us. Either way it's all for God. It's for his glory and to change the world for his good.

    1. I've never thought about that but now it makes it even more exciting and more important! It'll be like a big reunion of everyone that's helped one another along the way. That I'm definitely not missing out on!!


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