Day 2289 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.
Matthew 16:24 NIV
The past couple of days I've felt the need to refocus. I go through periods where these posts feel really good. They flow really well and it feels like everything goes as it should. Then there are other times when it feels like I stumble my way through them and probably completely botch the job. Here lately I feel like I've had too much of me in them. And that's definitely not the goal!
One thing that I never want any of these posts to be about is me. This isn't about me. It isn't about what I think or what I think I know. It's all about Christ and sharing the Gospel. I always try to bring these posts around to the messages and lessons of the Bible. Now I know I've gotten some wrong. I know I've missed the mark. I know that I've strayed off topic and probably taken some verses out of context. But it gives me something to work on, and that's just what I intend to do!
You know, learning to put ourselves aside is a challenge for all of us. We live in a world that's all about self. But that way of thinking just won't work with this mission to share Jesus with the world. It's pretty hard to point others to Him when we keep putting ourselves in the way. That's why we need to reach the end of ourselves and learn to put our innate selfishness aside. If this isn't all about Him then we're truly missing the point.
As Christ Himself says in this verse, we have to deny ourselves. The things that we want, the priorities that we have, the plans that we've made will not get us where He needs us to be. They will not help us share His message. They will only accomplish what we want for ourselves. Chasing this life that we envision will take us in a far different direction than the plans He has for us. We simply can't follow Him and do what we want to do at the same time. That's trying to walk on both sides of a fence at the same time, just ain't gonna work!
We have choose. But if we truly want to serve Christ and share Him and His life-changing message of love and salvation then we cannot be anything but all in. There is no room to bring our selfishness along for the ride. All the pride, all the self-serving priorities, all the hopes and dreams have to be set aside so that we can focus completely on His calling for us. After all, we're not the ones who can save. We're not the ones who paid the price He paid. We're not the ones who can heal hearts, that's all on Him. You and I are just the ones that point the way!
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