Day 2290 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 15:13 NIV

This is probably the one verse that you will see on just about every single faith-based page and profile today. When it comes to our nation's holidays, I always try to find a verse that fits but isn't necessarily the one that everyone else seems to share. But for Memorial Day, this one is simply perfect! We all have so much to celebrate and be thankful for, and we truly don't deserve any of it!

Today we celebrate freedom. We celebrate the price that our freedoms have cost. We celebrate the courage and bravery of those who have paid that price. We celebrate the opportunity to live in a country that has as much freedom as we do. We celebrate the chance to be proud of our country because of those who have fought for it. But most of all, we celebrate the lives of those who have given their all so that you and I can live these lives we get to live.

It might just be me, but every Memorial Day I can't help but think of the cross. That cross will always be our reminder of what's been done for us. It's the ultimate example of someone laying down their life for the freedom of others. I don't deserve that. Nobody should have done that for a scoundrel like me. But that's exactly what Christ did for every single one of us! He went where we couldn't go to do what we couldn't do all so that we could live a better kind of life in Him. A life of freedom.

It's days like today that make you realize just how good you have it. So many times we look around and start feeling disappointed. Maybe we don't have everything we want. Maybe some of our dreams haven't ever panned out. Maybe our lives aren't these picture perfect visions that we thought they'd be. But you know, we have it far better than we deserve! We are truly blessed to be able to live period, let alone to live free and comfortably under the protection of a kind of selfless love that is truly heroic!

So friends, please take a bit of time today and reflect on how great our lives really are. Take some time to remember those who have given us the chance to say that. Take some time and pray for those who have laid down their lives so that you and I could continue living ours in freedom. It is truly the greatest gift, the greatest sacrifice, and the greatest expression of love. And it is without question something that we should celebrate and remember every single day. Happy Memorial Day!


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