Day 2301 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 3:19 NIV

Well, well, well, if we don't have another spot-on assessment of our current society written down thousands of years ago! It's amazing with how advanced and progressive we consider ourselves to be in our modern world, not much has changed from the broken and twisted reality that existed back then. Darkness is still the preferred domain of those who apparently aren't "scared of damnation." At some point the time for laughing off our sins will come to an end because there is no way to avoid the truth forever!

I actually saw a commercial with an atheist saying that he was "not afraid of burning in hell." That's what we're dealing with here folks! But that's something for another post. Back to the topic at hand. People living in sin love the dark because darkness makes it easier to hide. It's easier to do something without it being seen. It provides the opportunity to hang out in the shadows doing things, saying things, thinking things that you don't want anyone to know about. Living in sin and making choices that we know aren't right isn't comfortable, so people have to find some way to make it so.

The thing is that every single person knows the difference between right and wrong. Everyone has a conscience, but so many have made a habit of turning it off so they can go on doing as they wish without considering the consequences. As we've talked about so many times in these posts, it's easier to stay the same than to change. Change takes courage, humility, effort, and determination. Those things are pretty far from common anymore! People just want to savor this wicked version of freedom that sin offers.

So people stay the same. They settle for their sinful ways because it's just easier. It's easier to sweep something under the rug than to actually do something about it. There's no problem that can't be ignored if you try hard enough, right? Well, that will only work for a little while. The day is coming when the light of Christ and truth of God's word will shatter that comfortable existence that people have carved out in the shadows. Questions will be asked. Answers will be given. Judgement will be rendered. And sentences will be delivered.

My friends, as this verse says, light has come into the world! The gift of salvation and true freedom has been given to every person who calls on the name of Christ. We don't have to spend our lives creeping around in the dark trying to convince ourselves that our sins aren't dangerous. We don't have to live apart from the hope, the peace, the joy, the promises, the love of God. We do not have to risk standing before the King and hearing Him say, "I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!"

Please, I implore you to stop playing around with sin. It's not fun. It's not enjoyable. It's not bringing anything good to your life. It's nothing but a lie. It's nothing but this evil thing that keeps us separated from everything good. This world preaches a far different message. We have to decide which one we're going to take to heart. The façade of freedom that a life of sin claims to offer, or the gift of true eternal freedom with our Heavenly Father. It's just one of those choices that doesn't get any easier. Leave the sin and darkness behind and give yourself a chance to experience the magnificent light of our Savior!


  1. Amen. There is a saying, "get right or get left" now is the perfect time to give our hearts to God. Ask Jesus into our lives and live for him. Time doesn't get longer and we will stand beofre of Father one day.

    1. Exactly!! The time is coming when we're going to take that stand, could be tomorrow. So today is our best chance to turn to Him!


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