Day 2303 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Acts 4:19 NIV

I've been on fire this past week or so. I'm not even sure what's happened or changed but I feel this fervor to cut through the nonsense and get back to what truly matters. We're constantly surrounded by so many opposing messages that it can be nearly impossible to sort through it all. But that's exactly what we have to do in our faith. We have to focus on what matters and not get distracted or tripped up by what doesn't. So much of what we've discussed recently can be summed up in this one question: Who are you going to listen to?

Do we listen to those around us who tell us to go with the flow and fall in line so that we don't rock their boat? Do we listen to those who tell us that God's truth isn't welcome? Do we listen to the discourse from the sinful telling people that sin isn't bad? Do we listen to the selfishness that pulls us into prioritizing our personal desires? Do we listen to this foolish new version of "truth" that our crazy society has cooked up where everyone can do whatever seems right to them and nobody should ever say otherwise? Or do we listen to God?

Those first options are by far more comfortable. Giving in to what the world wants and telling people what they want to hear brings less pushback. It brings less confrontation. It may even bring popularity and appreciation. But it also brings the unavoidable fact that in doing so we're failing our Lord. We're failing ourselves. We're failing our brothers and sisters. Allowing sin to run wild is exactly what the world wants, but it's the exact opposite of what Christ died for! So we have to ask ourselves that question: Who are we going to listen to?

This world will always preach a different message than that of the cross. The cross calls us to repentance. It helps us realize the very real cost of our sins. The message of the Gospel opens our eyes to everything wrong and evil in our lives and in the world around us. It forces us to sit up and pay attention because the innocent Son of Man enduring the misery that He took on our behalf helps us see that this is very, very real. It's bigger than the cries for comfort. It's bigger than the desire to do as we please. It's bigger than this world's longing to stay lost in the dark.

In a world that is so in love with sin, selfishness, and the desire to run wild and live careless, people just don't want to hear about God or His truth. And if we share the Gospel, if we confront the sins that are holding people hostage, if we stand up for what's right and holy then we're going to hated. So be it. I would rather stand with God and be judged by mankind than the other way around. As the next verse says, "we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard." I know what's God has done and is still doing in my life and I truly want everyone to have the chance to experience His love and salvation for themselves.

If that means I'm hated by some then that's fine. We are here to help save those who are willing to turn from their wickedness and let Christ into their hearts. We're here to help let people know that they have the chance at an eternity of peace. So again I ask, who are you going to listen to? The voice of the world wanting to be left alone or the voice of God wanting to save people from the suffering that is waiting for those who choose to remain in sin? It's really no question at all is it?


  1. Easy choice. God's way will always be the right one.


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