Day 2304 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

2 Timothy 3:12-13 NIV

Christians can't afford to live in fear of those who choose to do wrong. They want to keep living in sin because the reality of the consequences is too much for them to face. So they fight against the truth thinking that they can make it go away. They fight against those who choose to live differently than they do because it makes them uncomfortable. They fight against anyone who tells them that sin is wrong because that news causes cracks in their armor that makes them doubt themselves. All they can do is fight against the truth because that's the only hope they have!

Our mission to share God's truth faces an uphill battle because we live in a post-truth society. People are more worried about what's offensive than they are about what is undeniably right. They prefer the comfort of a lie over the reality of the Gospel. They've been brainwashed by this idea that they can do anything and everything their deceitful hearts desire without ever facing any consequences. They don't want to be confronted with the truth because it will rock their world. Can't have that!

Look, sin wants company. Those living in the dark need others to join them because that brings them some solace in their depravity. Having someone join them in their bad decisions helps convince them that what they're doing is okay. But having someone refuse to go along with them forces them to face the realization that maybe what they're doing isn't right. If sin doesn't have that constant justification then the unavoidable truth comes pouring in. It has to keep selling the lies because that's the only way that it can keep people comfortable in their transgressions.

Living for Christ will bring persecution. We will be hated. We will be judged. We will be ignored. None of it matters. This is a war and we're fighting for something bigger than us. We're fighting to help set people free. We're fighting to break through the shadows of sin and help people realize that they've been living in chains. Who cares if someone hates that? Who cares if those who prefer evil don't like us for pulling down the shades that keep them comfortable? When we consider what it will mean for those who hear the message of the cross and turn onto the path that leads to peace, who cares what it may cost us?

While the world around us gets worse and worse, we have to be bolder and more courageous. We have to share His message louder and shine His light brighter because the darkness only keeps getting darker. Our job may not be easy. The confrontation we face may grow more uncomfortable. The world around us will keep pushing back against the truth because that's all that lies can do. That's their choice. If we stop sharing the Gospel then we're failing those who would have been saved by hearing it. They're the ones that we're here for, not the ones who will never give Christ a chance.

Friends, we will not lose! We may be hated. We might even be killed, they did kill our King after all! But even that didn't work did it? The worst that this world can bring will never stop God's purpose. So consider it joy when the world hates you. Wear it proudly when the sinful call you names and make fun of your faith. Being judged for following Christ is an honor. It means we're doing something right. It means that we're making a difference. It means that our message is being heard, and that it just might end up changing some lives for the better!


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