Day 2305 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

James 1:21 NIV

Over the last week or so we've talked a lot about cutting through the nonsense, holding tight to the truth, and not living in fear of those who stand in opposition to that truth. There are so many lies, so much filth, so much darkness in our world today. As Christians we simply can't settle for that. Our faith calls us to stand up and proclaim the Gospel for those who are lost and looking for hope. As I said yesterday, if we let the fear of the sinful keep us from sharing the message of Christ then we're failing those who would have been saved and set free by hearing it.

That's why we have to shed all the sins, all the evils, all the filth, all the darkness that we amassed before meeting Christ. We have to get rid of it all so that it no longer holds us down or keeps us living in shame. That's exactly what sin does. It blinds us to the truth that we're hurtling toward impending disaster. It blinds us to the reality of responsibility and consequences. It tells us that we're free to do as we please and nothing will ever happen to us. But we can only avoid the truth for so long before it becomes impossible to ignore. God and His truth will reign and there's not a thing that sin or evil can do about it!

It is undeniable that moral filth and evil are pervasive in our society. That's what we've been discussing for a week or more now. People are lost in the dark, comfortable in their transgressions, and ready to fight back against anyone who tells them that sin has massive consequences and a price they don't want to pay. But we can't stop speaking the truth because there are some that don't want to hear it. If anything we need to get louder so that more can hear it and hopefully take it to heart. That is after all the purpose of the Gospel: to change lives and heal those who are willing to admit they need help.

The bottom line is that the truth is the only thing that can ever help us. It's the only thing that can set us free. Living a lie, being led around by deception, and settling for the immorality of our world will only keep us living in fear of what's right. But when we leave the dark corners and shadows of shame behind and step into the light of our Savior then we will have nothing to fear anymore. No more worrying about our mistakes coming to the surface because Jesus already took care of them. No worrying about what anyone may think because we know that God's opinion is the only one that matters. No worrying about those who fight against the truth because we know they will not win in the end!

Why let anything keep you living in fear, living in the shadows, living in chains, or living apart from the Lord? So much of what our world is consumed by these days does exactly that. It keeps us locked away in this delusional existence that convinces us that we're free when in reality we're far from it. It keeps us stumbling over our poor choices never realizing that there's a better way. It keeps us from seeing that God has planted His truth deep in our hearts and that it's ready to take root and grow into the freedom, the hope, the joy, the life that we've been desperately searching for.

The ways of this world and the ways of our Father are very different things. One leads to disappointment, fear, confinement, shame, humiliation, and dependence that's disguised as liberty. The other breaks down walls, brings healing, shatters regret, and leads us to true absolution. Freedom is only found in the truth, in God's truth. It might sting to let go of the way of life that you've grown accustomed to living. It may feel weird to stop walking in step with everyone else to turn around and live against the grain. But leaving it all behind and following Christ is the only way that will lead to the peace we're looking for. His path is the only one that leads to salvation. Why travel any other?


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