Day 2306 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 1:1 NIV

It's commonplace to do as everyone else does. Why go through the effort of blazing a different trail when you can simply fall in line behind someone else and go where they're going? Well, that's all well and good, but you have to remember that if you follow someone else doing as they do then you're going to wind up at the same destination that they reach. These days we better be careful who and what we're following because so much of what's being done around us is leading to a place that nobody wants to visit.

As we've been discussing for a while now, sin has overtaken the hearts and minds of so many around us. It has infiltrated nearly every aspect of our society and people are basking in the delusional sense of freedom and irresponsibility. We see sin being sold as this ultimate version of personal enjoyment and people are buying it up because they think that it's true. As humans, we easily fall for any lie that tells us what we want to hear without stopping to consider the consequences. We want to do what our deceitful hearts think is best and we'll accept anything that tells us it's okay.

That's why there are so many being led around by their noses these days. They don't care if they're walking with the wicked as long as they get a little selfish satisfaction from it. They'll do and say whatever it takes to fit in and be a part of something, never stopping to ask themselves if it's right. The need for popularity, acceptance, approval, and this sense of belonging has grown into a massive stumbling block! People have forgotten that we become what we surround ourselves with. So if we're surrounded by the sinful then we're going to pick up their habits and learn their ways until we're just like them.

It's sad that so many are good with being clones. They settle for what's easy while forgetting that they were made for more than that. We were all made for more than the sinful ways of mankind. We've forgotten how to stand up for something. We've forgotten how to hold tight to our beliefs. We've forgotten that it's okay to walk a different path. Worst of all, we've forgotten that God made us to follow His path and to live for Him. It may be easier to go with the flow and do as everyone else does. But when what everyone else does leads to suffering then is it worth it?

Don't just blindly go along with what someone else is doing. Run everything through your faith. Consider everything from a righteous perspective. Ask yourself if it's making you a better person. Is this leading me in the right direction? Is this leading me closer to God? If it isn't then you're better without it. Friends, the fact is that this world is heading for disaster, and if we go along with it then we're going to end up there too. Is that what you want? Is it worth enjoying a little selfish satisfaction if it means paying for it with an eternity of misery? No it isn't, and there is no lie that sin can offer that will ever convince me otherwise.

As this verse teaches us, we're better off following God than mankind. We're better walking His path than the one being carved out by the lies and arrogance of man. I don't care if I don't fit in down here because I'm living to fit in up there. My reward isn't a little temporary pleasure, it's an eternity of peace. So I won't settle for anything that pulls me away from God or leads me along a path other than His. What about you? It's just not worth missing out on what He has in store for those that hold tight to their faith. So let the wicked go ahead and do what they choose to do. We have a chance at something more than that!


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