Day 2307 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

James 4:5 NIV

I read this one last night and I think it's a seriously powerful message that goes right along with what we've been talking about lately. Sin pulls us away from God and leaves us broken and lost. It lures people in by selling this façade of fake freedom that tells is we can do as we please. A life without responsibility, a conscience that doesn't have to worry about consequences, and the ability to only focus on ourselves is just what people want. And it's clear from looking around us that many are good with living that lie!

But the problem is that our God is a jealous God. He created us to be His but we've chosen to be the world's. He put us here to live good lives but we've settled for living in shame. He calls us to love others and humbly put them before ourselves but we're more concerned about only looking after ourselves and our interests. No matter how widespread or popular sin may become in this place it will never win! If often seems like it is. But God will not relinquish His throne to the wicked and sinful that often seem to rule here.

Sin offers us the chance to choose our own lives over anything else. We can do whatever we want to do without having to worry about the price that it costs. The price is being separated from our Father. It's being pulled away from all of the goodness that is found in Him and Him alone. It's replacing His true peace with this illusion of freedom. It's missing out on the story that He has written for us because we think we can write a better one. It's a void that we cannot fill with any amount of selfishness or worldly satisfaction.

At some point the separation that sin causes will either be removed or it will be permanent. We will either wise up and turn back to God leaving the shadows behind, or we will stubbornly choose to continue following our selfish desires. Sadly, some will follow that road all the way to the eternal suffering that it leads to never once considering humbly turning around. God doesn't want that for anyone. That's why He sent Christ to show us what sin causes and help us learn to make better choices and live better lives. He wants every single one of us to come to repentance and accept His gift of eternal salvation. Why we wouldn't want that gift for ourselves is something I'll never understand!

The bottom line is that God didn't create us in His image only for us to soil it by trying to look like the world around us. He wants us to be His. He wants us to follow Him. He wants us to leave the broken roads behind and turn onto the one that He paved all the way to His ultimate promise in Heaven. Please don't think that living in sin will get you anywhere good. It won't. It leads to a place called hell and no amount of worldly fun or excitement are worth ending up there. That doesn't have to be our destination. As the next verse in James tells us, there is hope because His grace is truly amazing.

So take His offer of a fresh start. Stop following your own ideas to the perpetual letdowns to which they lead. Stop trying to be like everyone else and be who He made you to be, His child. We will never find anything worth having down the twisting roads of sin and shame. But if we follow the cross then we're going to every good thing we could ever hope to find!


  1. We find so many things to give our time to, not enough goes to him. Give him our best first.

    1. Amen! He can't be sliding down our priority lists!


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