Day 2308 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

James 5:20 NIV

What a way to end a book! Finished up James last night and the very last chapter ended with this amazing message. Fits right in with everything we've been sharing for well over a week now. The point of the Gospel is to help turn people away from their wickedness back to the loving arms of their Savior. But that mission is handicapped by this modern fear of offending people and being judged for telling the truth. It's hard to fight the sin and evil in this world when we're scared of making people angry with God's truth!

I completely understand that confrontation isn't comfortable. It isn't easy to call out the wrongs in this world because they're all extremely popular. But there is far too much on the line to be worried about ruffling a few feathers. We have to be more courageous than that. We have to understand that the truth is the only thing that can save people from the damnation that awaits those who choose to live under the control of sin rather than under the freedom of our King. Everyone needs to hear that there is another choice. They need to hear that they have the opportunity to leave their sins and mistakes behind. They need to hear that there is true forgiveness and salvation waiting at the cross.

That message is the only thing that can save people. Cowering in fear and whispering it so that we don't offend anyone isn't good enough. That will only allow sin to keep its grip on the hearts and minds of those Christ came to save. He calls us to love others as He does. But love isn't about making people comfortable in doing wrong. It isn't about being afraid of telling the truth. It's about wanting the best for everyone, and the best is a life of freedom in Christ. Sin will never be what's best because it keeps us separated from God. So if we really love people then we'll be bold enough to stand up for what's right no matter the cost.

Friends, the whole point is that there is freedom. There is a better life than one living in sin and shame. We have so many opportunities to help those around us turn from their evil ways and find hope in their Savior. And we have to take advantage of every chance we get to point people to Jesus. If we get some hate for it that's okay. If we are judged for our faith then so be it. Better to tell the truth and let the cards fall where they may than to make others comfortable in sin and let them head to an eternity of suffering.

Everyone has the chance at an eternity that's better than that, and all we can do is tell them so. If they don't want to listen that's on them. But at least we will know that we tried. The blood of Christ will cover the sins that have separated people from Him. So let people know. Tell them the truth. Our reward isn't worldly popularity or the appreciation that comes with telling others what they want to hear. Our reward is a Heaven that is filled to the brim with people who turned around and gave their lives to Christ! That's something worth fighting for!


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