Day 2310 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Peter 4:4 NIV

We often here "if you can't beat them, join them." That's an all too common mindset in our world today. People would just as soon go along with what others are doing because it's easier than standing up for something that the masses may not agree with. But what we're seeing more and more nowadays is the opposite of that little saying. If they don't join you, beat them. We're all being pressured to fall in line, to stop speaking against the wrongs we see, and to just allow everyone else to do as they please. Sure, all of that will bring the warm and fuzzy feelings that everyone craves, but it just doesn't work with our faith.

As we've been talking about a lot recently, people want to stay comfortable in their sins. They don't want anyone to tell them that something they're doing isn't right. The sinful don't like those who live righteously because that makes them feel insecure. They know what they're doing is wrong, but the lies of sin tell them to ignore it so they don't have to feel bad. And seeing someone else live differently makes it harder to ignore. So they fight and yell and do whatever it takes to silence anything that points out the error of their ways. Those who love sin have to do whatever it takes to avoid the truth because the truth rattles them.

When we don't go along with the wickedness around us it causes others to wonder why. It makes them start questioning things. It causes cracks in the lies that they've believed. They see people living right and it makes them angry. Not because they're mad at those who are doing what's right, but deep down they're angry with themselves because they know they should be doing better as well. But that requires change. It requires strength. It takes this humility that forces us to admit that we've messed up and don't know what's best sometimes. And sadly, those are all much harder to find than the lies that keep us comfortable.

As Christians we're called to live differently than the world around us. Going along with what everyone else is doing isn't good enough. Our world loves sin and they're going to chase those evils for as long as possible. But our faith calls us to rid ourselves of all moral filth and wickedness. Pretty easy to see why we can't just fall in line and go with the flow. The flow of this place is leading to damnation, and personally, I ain't interested! We know we have the gift of salvation and the promise of an eternity of peace in Heaven. We shouldn't be willing to trade that to avoid a little friction while we're here.

Following Christ means we're going to walk in the opposite direction of those who choose sin instead. When two things move in opposing directions, there's friction. So we can expect that our faith will bring ridicule, resentment, hatred, judgement, and all kinds of other abuse. Some days we may even feel all alone, up against impossible odds because of our choice to live for Christ when so many don't. Those things may not be comfortable. But just remember that our rewards are not here. Our reward is a place with streets of gold and endless peace! And that's not worth losing for anything!


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