Day 2320 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Jude 10 NIV

I read through the book of Jude last night, and man, it seems like about half of it talks about things that we're seeing around us right now! People mocking faith, blaspheming God's name, running stupid with sin and debauchery, celebrating everything that's wrong and immoral, and talking trash on anyone that has the guts to stand up and say that what people are doing isn't okay. We're passing through a world that truly loves everything that's wrong. Makes it pretty easy to see why they're not going to like anyone who lives for what's right.

Yesterday we talked about how this world isn't going to like us because of our faith. And that's a very good thing! This world only likes those who it agrees with, only those who do what everyone else is doing. So we would have to go along with the sinfulness that is controlling so many, and that just ain't good enough! Our goal should never be to fit in with a place that has lowered itself so far from God's standards. And in all honesty, we really shouldn't care what a broken society thinks about us anyway! Anyone who thinks that the foolishness going on these days is okay and acceptable does not have the ability or the right to tell you or me who we should be and how we should live!

We see so much pushback against the truth because the world doesn't understand righteousness. People lost in sin fight against those who point it out because they have been blinded to the fact that what they're doing is wrong. So many people have shared and accepted this message that sin is just fine, and anyone who says otherwise will either be ignored, hated, or fought with. Again, easy to see why this world isn't going to think very highly of us. We're living different lives, sharing a different message, trying to help save those who are lost in something that they don't understand as wrong. Talk about an uphill battle!

Sadly, so many people only understand sin. They only know what it's like to do what they want to do. Some have probably never even considered the idea of consequences. That's something that has been on my mind recently. There are literally people that are lost in sin who don't even know that what they're doing is wrong! I guess when all you hear is that you're free to do as you please then that's what you grow to understand. And that's also why we can't stop sharing the Gospel. The light of Christ is the only thing that can shatter the darkness that have so many confined. If we stop then they stay. Not acceptable.

As we discussed yesterday, people are going to call us names and make fun of our faith. They're going to scoff at our choice to not play their wicked games. The world is going to ignore us, hate us, push us aside, and do anything possible to discredit us and void our message. But guess what, they can't! There is no stopping Christ. There is no changing God's mind on sin. There is no avoiding the judgement that sin brings. The world will always fight against anything and anyone that stands up against the sin that so many find good enough. That's okay! If we can reach just one and help them leave that way of living behind and find their way to Christ then it's more than worth the friction it causes to reach them.

What the world can't see is that the sins that they think are okay are the very things that will lead to their destruction. All this place understands is selfishness, hatred, division, foolishness, mockery, immorality, and every other vile practice. We're here to help people see that those things aren't good enough, that they're not as acceptable as the world makes them seem. If we can possibly help someone understand the truth of sin and see the danger it holds then we just might help save them. And that's all that matters. If some hate us or judge us for it then so be it. Being judged by people who think sin is fun and games means nothing to me. But being judged for not doing something to help someone break free from those chains, not risking that one!


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