Day 2333 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 16:33 NIV

I think this may be the biggest misconception when it comes to Christianity. Some people think that this road is easy. They think that following Christ is all sunshine and happiness. Apparently some believe that choosing to follow Christ will bring about everything we want to find. I have no idea where any of that comes from because this ain't about us! There is nothing in the Bible that says that our lives will be easy. Nothing. In fact, it tells us several times in several ways that a life of faith is quite the opposite! So if you're looking for a comfortable and easy life by following Christ then you're going to be seriously disappointed.

This isn't easy! This isn't comfortable. Faith doesn't bring worldly acceptance or the comfort that comes from the masses telling you that you're doing good. It doesn't lead us away from trials and challenges. It doesn't smooth out the road or move the mountains out of the way. It doesn't check off all the selfish boxes of things that we think we want or need. That stuff just doesn't matter in our faith. It can't matter. If it does matter to you haven't made that final choice of who you're actually living for. If you want to follow Christ but still want some of the spotlight then you're trying to serve two masters, and well, that just don't work either.

Choosing to follow Christ will lead us away from this world and everything in it. Where is that easy? Faith requires us to lay down our selfish wants and desires while the world around us continues to run on pride and vanity. Faith requires us to admit our sins and fight every single day to humbly grow in Christ while the world hides flaws and won't admit mistakes. Faith calls us to share God's truth and fight to help set people free from the darkness that this place enjoys and celebrates. WHERE IS ANY OF THAT EASY?

Everything about the Gospel stands in stark contrast to the desires of this world, the lessons we've learned, and the lives we've lived. The whole point of the Gospel is to help us see just how bad things are, how messed up we've been, and how much we need Christ. It has nothing to do with comfort. This road is not easy. It isn't supposed to be. Our concern should not be finding a broad, smooth, and gentle way to coast through life. Our focus should be on going where He says go and not worrying about how hard it may be. The Gospel can not and will not cater to us. If it did then it wouldn't hold that life-altering power that we need to shake us free from our cozy little hideouts in the shadows.

Stop looking for easy and choose to seek what's necessary. Stop trying to find ways to make the Gospel conform to what you want to hear and let yourself be changed by it. It will not be easy. But just remember that this world and these lives are only the beginning. This part doesn't have to be easy because this place isn't our home. So focus on following Christ and living the life that He calls us to live outside of what's comfortable and what's normal. If it's easy then it doesn't challenge us. And if it doesn't challenge us then it doesn't change us. And friends, we all have plenty that we need to change!


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