Day 2338 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Colossians 2:8 NIV

Each and every one of us have a choice to make. We can put it off. We can ignore it, avoid it, convince ourselves that it's not coming. We can tell ourselves that we can somehow manage to choose a little bit of both sides. But at some point, we all have to choose between God and the world. And oddly enough, by postponing that choice, we're actually making a choice. You see, we're always learning whether we realize it or not. We're always picking up little bits of information and little habits that we may not notice. And until we choose to follow Christ and learn from Him, we're learning from the world around us.

As we discussed yesterday, this world is definitely not the teacher that we should be learning from. This place is twisted! It's full of so many lies, so much wickedness, so much depraved deception that leads people into a life of darkness. And we unknowingly just go with it. We follow the herd because that's what we're told to do. We learn how to live according to humanity's often foolish and petty ways of thinking. We accept all the lies of sin and evil as truth. We mold our lives to look like everyone else's because we're taught that's what we need to do. So we do it. We jump in and don't give it a second thought.

But that's what creates all of these problems that we're dealing with. All of the shame and uncertainty. All of the hopelessness and despair. All of the confusion and fear. It all comes from blindly following the ways of the world and never stopping to ask ourselves if it's right. We never stop to realize that we have that choice that we can make. We don't have to be like this world. We don't have to think the way the sinful think. We don't have to accept the lies and foolishness that so many others are okay with. We don't have to go with the flow, settle for sin, and dwell in the dark anymore.

These ideas that sin isn't dangerous, selfishness is okay, and there are no consequences is widely accepted in our world. Kind of sounds like that "hollow and deceptive philosophy" doesn't it? We have all given into what's easier and more comfortable by doing as everyone else does and not going against the accepted messages that have been shared for so long. Think that sounds a bit like "depending on human tradition". We have settled for sin and wickedness because they're made to seem more fun and enjoyable than living righteously. But we don't have to keep doing as we've done. We are given the opportunity to learn from that foolishness and get our lives right starting now.

That's the gift that we've been given in Christ. It's the gift to realize the error in our ways and change things for the better. It's the ability to discern the lies that so many accept as truth and focus instead upon God's truth, which is the only real truth! We don't have to settle for the messed up ways that this world is okay with living. We don't have to follow those well-worn paths that sin has paved all the way to eternal suffering. We can take a different path. We can choose to focus on Christ and follow His will for our lives. We can choose to stop believing the lies, stop going with the flow, and stop thinking that this world has somehow figured out a better way to live than God's design.

Friends, please stop listening to the lies. Stop falling for the easy way that our world sells as good enough. Stop avoiding the truth that only God has the authority to say what's right, what's true, and what's acceptable. This broken world hasn't figured out a way to change His mind or convince Him to let us do as we please. He won't. He is good and He calls us to be as well. So we can't settle for anything less anymore. This world will keep doing as it pleases, but we can't afford to follow that line anymore. So don't let anyone convince you to believe or live according to anything other than God's truth. His path is the only one that leads to salvation, and nothing will ever change that fact!


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