Day 2339 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Corinthians 10:22 NIV

What are we thinking? Do we really think that we can get by with doing whatever we want? Do we really believe that the filthy opinions of this world have the power to overturn God's truth? Do we honestly think that somehow, some way God will compromise His calling to be holy because of our arrogance and the desire to remain in sin? No. God will never be swayed by the sinfulness of this world. He is a jealous God and nothing will change His promise to deal with the evil in this world. So we better wise up and realize that there's only one right side to be on!

We hear so often that God is good. He is good. He is the very definition of good. But as amazing as that fact is, it also poses a very real problem for us. That problem is that while He is good, we are not. We are far from good. We have all sinned. We have all really messed some stuff up. We have all chosen the lies of this world over His truth. We have all given in to those selfish desires to do as we please and ignore that voice telling us that it isn't right. So yes, God is good. But sadly, we've settled for good enough. And friends, our good enough isn't anywhere close to God's goodness.

What we have to understand is that our sins have pulled us away from God. They've taught us how to ignore Him. They have encouraged us to listen to ourselves and only worry about what we want. We've learned to live like the world around us lives and that will never be okay. The amount of sin and depravity around us is so far short of what God desires. We've heard this idea that maybe sin isn't quite so bad and we've bought it hook, line, and sinker. Problem is that God will not compromise! He will not settle for our sin just because we've allowed ourselves to believe that it's not dangerous. His truth tells a very different story and He won't budge on that.

So we need to stop thinking that we have the right to do as we please. We need to forget this idiotic idea that our sins don't have consequences. They do! And friends, those consequences are death, torment, suffering, and an eternity of all the above! Is that what you want? Are we really willing to risk all of those horrible things, for eternity, just so that we can live in sin and spend these temporary lives doing as we please? Just doesn't make sense. Again, God will not budge on His truth. He will not relent on the punishment that our sins deserve. So we need to line ourselves out and learn to live according to His desires instead of our own.

Friends, as this verse is telling us, we are not stronger than Him. We are not smarter than He is. We cannot overrule His definitions of right and wrong. All of us have taken the wrong path and lived in a way that isn't acceptable. All of the sin in this world will meet with God's anger one day. And if we don't repent and spend our lives striving to do better, then we only have ourselves to blame for winding up on the wrong side of that. So while this world may accept sin, we can't afford to because God never will. It's time that we humble ourselves and start living according to His truth because that truth is and always will be unwavering!


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