Day 2343 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Revelation 3:20 NIV

We've talked a ton about the horrid amount of sin in this world, and in our lives as a result. We've talked about how God's kindness and mercy in being willing to forgive us is truly undeserved. We've talked about what our sins actually deserve and how truly terrifying it is to think about. We've talked about how continuing to live in sin will never be okay and nowhere near good enough for anyone, let alone those who want to avoid the suffering that awaits those turned away from Heaven. But something hit me out of nowhere this morning. It's up to us.

We have to let ourselves be saved. We have to let Him heal us. We have to be willing to learn how to live better lives. We have to realize that we have sinned, that we have messed up, and that we need His mercy because that's the only hope we have to be forgiven. God is willing to forgive us for all the wrongs we've done, but we have to let Him. We have to understand that our pride and arrogance may be exactly what helps so many seem to thrive in this world, but that they have no room in our lives if we truly want the salvation that God offers us in Christ.

Friends, He is standing at the door knocking. He is standing there with mercy and healing in His hands just waiting for us to let Him in. He is ready, willing, and able to forgive every mistake that we've made. But we have to open the door. We have to let Him into our hearts. We have to humble ourselves to the truth of how wicked we've been. We have to be humble enough that we can see our sins and understand that there is nothing at all that we can do to earn His forgiveness. We can't earn it. We can't buy it. We can only humbly accept it because it is a gift that is bigger than us!

All of us have lived a life filled to the brim with sin and selfishness. We have all picked up little tricks taught to us by a broken society that have helped us learn to ignore that small voice trying to pull us away from the path of wickedness that we've been walking. We have basically told God to take a hike and let us do what we want to do because we know better. Where did that get us? Did we find the peace, satisfaction, joy, and fulfillment that we just knew was along the path paved by millions of other selfish and foolhardy people? Or are we broken down, worn out, ashamed, and full of regret for taking this path following an evil world?

Sin has pulled us away from God, and it will keep us away from Him for as long as we're willing to continue giving it the power to do so. That's why the choice is squarely on us. We can keep living in sin. That's the easier, more popular way to go. But we know where that leads us. We know what lies along that path, and it's not the joy and fulfillment that we thought we'd find. So why not try something different? Why not turn around and get off of that broken path that only leads to endless disappointment and regret? Why not open the door to a loving God who is ready and willing to forgive us and lead us to a better life that actually leads to more peace and joy than we could imagine?

I know that our world loves sin. That's the way it's been from the very beginning. But there's no changing the truth that sin leads to eternal suffering in hell. That's just the facts and nothing this world does will ever redefine that. But we don't have to end up there. We don't have to face that never-ending punishment. God is standing at the door of our lives ready for us to open up and let Him in so that He can heal all that sin has broken and mend what it has torn apart. But the choice is ours. After all, He can't help those who won't admit that they need help!


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