Day 2347 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 3:30 NIV

I want more than a life that only matters to me. For a long time that wasn't the case. We're all born into this sin that tells us to put ourselves first and focus on only what we want in life. And then we grow and learn in a world that is passionate about being selfish. We see how the self-serving around us seem to thrive in this place and that only deepens that idea that we should put ourselves first. It becomes so engrained in us that eventually we don't even know that it's wrong, we don't know that there's another way. But there is, and even though it goes against everything the world teaches us, it is in fact far greater!

As I've talked about in the past, I've spent a lot of my life focused on what I wanted. Some of that stuff I got and some I didn't. The things that I selfishly achieved or acquired only left me wanting more when I found that they weren't as fulfilling as I thought they'd be. The things that I didn't get or that didn't happen left me angry and filled me with doubt and questions about everything. No matter what I had or didn't have, it was never enough. It was all empty. It was all temporary. The fleeting joy or satisfaction that I felt faded quicker than it came. But the feeling of disappointment only grew stronger and stronger.

That's what happens when we put ourselves first. We get it in our minds that we know what's best for us. We become convinced that this shiny thing or that exciting experience will finally bring us the joy we're looking for. But it doesn't! As Solomon says in Ecclesiastes 1:14 it's all chasing after the wind. We never catch the happiness, peace, or satisfaction that we think is out there in this world. We never find the fulfillment that this world tells us is in material things. We never find lasting happiness in sin because it's void of anything good. But we keep trying. We keep sinning. We keep focusing on what we want because we're convinced that we know what's best and we can't possibly be wrong.

It finally hit me that building my own kingdom filled with everything I ever wanted only mattered to me. It meant nothing to anyone else. It did nothing for anyone else. I am the only one who benefits from living to please myself. Where is the point of that? How can I possibly feel like I've done something meaningful if it only means something to me? Just can't work, so it's just not worth it. Having lived that selfish way of life I got to see that it's not what everyone makes it out to be. It may be fun for a moment, but it's as temporary as it gets. I want something that lasts, that means something, that helps someone. Living for myself doesn't come close to checking any of those boxes!

We all have the opportunity to live for something more than just us. We have the chance to be a part of something eternal, something that can change lives! But if our focus is ourselves then all we'll ever accomplish are things that matter to us alone. The only kingdoms we will help build are the ones that will fall into ruin and rust after our time here is done. Again, where's the point in that? Nobody will ever be able to convince me that living for myself means more, accomplishes more, or lasts longer than living for and following Christ.

He must become greater and I must become less. The more I do for myself the less I can do for Him. The more I focus on me the less I focus on growing in faith. The more I do things my way the more mistakes I make and the further away I get from the joy and satisfaction that is found in God alone. If my only goal in life is me then when I die it all dies with me. That's honestly one of the saddest and most meaningless things I can think of. But if we live for Christ then we're a part of something bigger, something that will carry on long after we're gone because it will make a difference to others. So you tell me, which one has more meaning? A life focused on ourselves or a life focused on serving God instead?


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