Day 2348 of the 7 Day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 28:26 NIV

There have been so many times that I've felt like I put too much of me into these posts. And that's definitely not what I intend to do. But I guess it's just me sharing all the lessons that I've learned so that they can maybe help someone else avoid the mistakes that I've made. And I have a ton of experience messing things up. I've gotten more wrong than I've ever gotten right. I've been the worst of the worst. I am just one sinner telling other sinners about the only hope we have at being set free from our foolishness. And if you don't know by now, it just isn't found in us!

Living life our way only leaves us empty. It leaves us wanting more and more while never finding anything lasting that helps to fill those voids that sin and selfishness have created. It has left us with this enormous weight of guilt and shame from all the mistakes that we've made. It has led us down paths where there has never been anything good to be found. But in our foolishness we just kept trusting in ourselves. We just kept thinking that our way would lead to something good. We continued to believe in that confused lie that we could find something in this world that would bring us some joy, peace, or fulfillment.

But it has never worked. Making our own way and choosing our own path will never lead us to anything anywhere close to good. That's because we look in all the wrong places. We look to our selfish desires. We seek out the things that we want. We trust in what we think is best. We believe the lies that allow us to remain comfortable in our sins. We avoid the truth of what sin really is because we already know but we don't want to admit the guilt that we bear because of our choices. We listen to the world around us because our brokenness finds solace in a broken world.

All of us chosen that path. We have stubbornly followed the paths we wanted to take because we wanted to believe the lies that our world has taught us. We wanted to think that we could do whatever we wanted without consequence. We wanted to get our way, choose our path, and control our lives. And so we have bought the lies that allowed us to think that we could do so. But what have we found? What has living our way given us? Have any of us found satisfaction in sin? Or does it just leave us needing more sin and more selfishness in order to keep the feeling of shame at a distance?

Now we can keep on trusting in ourselves. We can continue believing that sinful nonsense that tells us that we're in control and that there isn't anything wrong with doing this our way. Or we can wise up and finally listen to the truth. We can admit that living our way has only left us broken, lost, and desperately in need of a Savior. We can admit that we were wrong and ask God for the forgiveness that only He can give us. We have no hope other than Christ. And as long as we continue listening to ourselves instead of Him then we will remain separated from Him, and that is definitely not where we want to be!

As Proverbs tells us just a few verses before this one, "Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy." Living in sin and doing things our way will never lead us to anything good. That's because there is nothing good to be found in sin and selfishness. But when we leave that all behind and ask God to teach us His way and lead us down His path then we will find mercy. We will find forgiveness. We will find salvation, hope, peace, and the goodness of God that has no limits and will never let us down.

Friends, His way, His truth, and His plans will always be better than ours. Why continue following a broken road to endless disappointment when we have the gift of a second chance in Christ?


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