Day 2349 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 28:13 NIV

As we talked about yesterday, following our own path has only led us to all of the problems that we have today. Contrary to what we like to think, we don't know everything and we definitely don't know what's best. Now we've spent a lot of time thinking otherwise. We thoroughly enjoy this idea that we're perfect and never mess up. That's basically the common mindset of our society these days. Nobody is willing to admit that they make mistakes. No one is humble enough to acknowledge their sins and repent of them. Everyone just wants to do as they see fit without any pushback or pesky reminder of the truth.

I honestly believe that all of us know that we've gotten plenty of things wrong. I think we all know that we have sinned. But I think we're pretty good at ignoring that fact. We're good at telling ourselves that our mistakes aren't all that bad. We're good at convincing ourselves that we don't even make mistakes to begin with. But no matter how hard we try to ignore it, our conscience points out every mistake that we make. Deep down we all know the difference between right and wrong because that difference is too great to ignore. The problem comes in our refusal to humbly accept the truth of God's word.

His truth will always stand in stark contrast to the version this world teaches. We see so many people doing wrong that sadly it has become normal. We have become desensitized to the reality of sin. Our world makes it seem fun and enjoyable. People flaunt their wickedness and celebrate their vile ways. The way our world embraces sin should make us realize just how wrong it really is. The Bible tells us to not conform ourselves to the ways of this world. So falling in line and doing as the world does will never be good enough in God's sight. And with the world making sin seem okay, that should tell us just how wrong it really is!

I think we've accepted this lie that we have to hide our mistakes and cover up our sins because we can't let anyone know we're not perfect. But in reality, ignoring our sins only allows them to retain control over us. It only keeps us running in fear of those mistakes coming to the surface. Problem is that God already knows! He has seen every mistake, knows every bad thought, and is fully aware of each and every sin that we have committed against Him. So what are we actually hiding? Are we really able to cover anything up when He already knows it all? Can we really be so deluded that we think we can hide something from our all-knowing Father?

I know that it seems more comfortable to ignore our faults. It's not easy to examine our ways and admit that we've gotten a lot of things wrong in our lives. We live in a world that doesn't even accept the idea of sin, let alone admit that it has controlled the life of every person on this globe. So it can be hard to unlearn that kind of foolishness and accept the truth that sin is real and that it has consequences that are unavoidable. But as hard as it may be, doing so is the only way to receive the mercy and forgiveness that God offers us in Christ. So it might be easier to ignore our sins, but wouldn't we be better off to admit our mistakes so that His mercy can wash them away?

That's exactly what this verse is telling us. Hiding our sins doesn't make them go away. It just allows us to think that they're gone so that we don't have to feel guilty or ashamed. But confessing our sins and asking for God's help to do better is the only way to actually do better! We will never gain anything by ignoring our sins and covering up our flaws. But if we confess that we've done wrong, fight to do better, and ask God to lead us up and out of the pit of shame and filth that we've called home then we will be better for it. It might require us to be far more humble than we're used to being, but that's the only way to find His mercy!


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