Day 2369 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Peter 4:10 NIV

I think we've become to accustomed to this world of division that we've created. It's always been this way, but maybe it shouldn't be. Maybe we shouldn't spend our time dividing ourselves up. Maybe we shouldn't spend our time and energy fighting over petty nonsense that doesn't matter. Maybe we would be better off if we sought ways to work together for a common good rather than squaring off to our corners looking for a fight. There will always be differences. There will always be unique perspectives and talents and ideas. But that can be a good thing. It's all in what we use those special talents and viewpoints to accomplish.

Can you imagine what this place would be like if everyone used their specific skills and abilities to point to Christ? If we all worked together, doing whatever each of us had the ability to do, to make a positive impact in the world. What if the majority of people were all focused on one common goal: to know Christ and make Him known. It's almost hard to imagine, but I think we can all agree that things would undoubtedly be better than what we're seeing right now. In fact, it would almost seem like a little version of paradise. Sadly, that's never going to happen in this life. But thankfully this isn't the only stop on this trip!

The problem is that too many people are focused on too many different things. We're surrounded by distractions that keep us running in a million different directions. There are so many different priorities and that's what will prevent that hope of a humanity united in serving Christ and helping one another grow in faith. We're so segmented, so divided, so used to seeing our differences as reasons to judge or hate that there's almost no chance of bringing folks together. And far too many like it this way. The pride and arrogance that is found in selfishness and hatred is just too enjoyable for some.

But that doesn't mean that we have to lay down and accept it. Those of us who call ourselves Christians still have the responsibility to use our gifts, our talents, and our time here to follow Christ's calling to serve Him and help those around us. We may not feel like we're making a difference in a world that is so consumed with wickedness and division. But we have to trust that He will make the difference that needs to be made through our words and actions. All we need to worry about is doing everything in His name for His glory. That may never be the common way of life in this place. But if enough of us live for Him and allow Him to work through us then we will have an impact!

There's just something about being up against the odds that makes me want to try harder. It's pretty fair to say that this world won't be collectively turning to Christ any time soon. But that's precisely why we need to work even harder to be the light, the hope, the good, the change that we so desperately need in this world. It may not end with some massive revival. We may not see the fruit of our toil while we're breathing. But knowing that we tried, knowing that we did our best to do our part, and knowing that we left behind some seeds of hope and goodness is more meaningful than we often think about.

Look, the point is that each of us have some pretty special skills and abilities. God has equipped each of us in different ways to do different things to make an impact for His kingdom. Setting our sights on living these lives to serve Him and do good unto others is the only way to guarantee that we make a difference. There is no way that following Christ and shining His light in this world can't make an impact. This place is hurting. People are hurting. So many are lost, scared, broken, and losing hope. Friends, we have what this world needs and it's our job to share it in whatever ways we can because it is absolutely crucial.

He didn't give us our gifts for us to keep them to ourselves and not use them to do more. We are called to be faithful stewards of the skills and abilities that we've been given. So whatever He's given you to do, do it. Do it for Him. Do it for His glory. I promise it will make a difference that is bigger than we could ever start to imagine!


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