Day 2370 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Isaiah 30:21 NIV

So I've had this realization hit me recently, and I think it's one of those truths that might hit home for a lot other people as well. What hit me is that I don't know what I'm doing. It seems like no matter what I do or how hard I try I just can't seem to get out of my own way. I can't seem to stop doing dumb stuff. I can't figure out how to wise up and move on from the bad habits and poor choices that I've made. It just seems like I keep messing up, getting distracted, and losing sight of who I'm trying to be. Thankfully, we don't have to figure it out on our own.

Look, we all trip up. We all struggle with sin and temptation. We all tend to veer back toward what we've known. We find comfort and simplicity in the ruts and valleys that we've carved out in life. It's easier to keep doing what we've always done. It's easier to keep going the direction that we've been heading. But maybe the direction we've been going isn't leading us where God wants us to be. Maybe the choices we're making are holding us back from something better. Maybe a willingness to listen to God instead of our own selfish wants and desires will lead us to a kind of life that we never imagined was possible.

But that's where we run into problems. We just really like that idea of calling our own shots. We love being able to think we control our lives. We like making our own choices based solely on what we want or what we think is best for us. But you would think that a lifetime of past mistakes and endless evidence that we don't know what's best would be enough to convince us to let God take control instead. You would think that eventually the truth would set in and help us see that if we keep doing things our way all we will ever know is the lives of disappointment and struggle that we've known up to this point.

Like I said up top though, there is another option. There is another voice we can choose to listen to instead of our own. We have a truly loving Father who is ready and willing to lead us to something better than anything we've known so far. It might not be easy. Change never is. Humility definitely doesn't come naturally. But at some point the endless wandering back and forth from disappointment to letdown gets old. It gets old always bouncing and struggling to find peace in life. The ups and downs that come with doing things our way leaves us jaded and full of regret for having made so many poor choices.

That's why we have to quit while we're behind. God knows the way to everything we could ever hope to find in life. He knows the way to things better than we could hope for! But we have to listen. We have stop getting in His way. We have to trust Him to take over and help us fix what we need to fix, change what we need to change, and leave what we need to leave. There is nothing that He can't help us with if we're just willing to let Him. He will guide us where we're supposed to be. And even though we'll still struggle sometimes, that voice will be there to help lead us back to the right path that He has called us to walk.

If you feel that something isn't right, listen. If you're feeling tempted to do something that you're not sure about, pray about it. If you're uncertain about what's true or what's right, check the Bible. We have so many resources that God has given us to help get on the right track in life and stay there. But we have to use them. We have to listen to that small voice that tells us when we're making a mistake. We have to listen to the wisdom and truth found in God's word. We have to listen to God's direction in our lives if we want to find something more than the sin and shame that we've found so far. There is something better and He will get us there. We just have to follow Him.


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