Day 2371 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 16:8 NIV

The times they are a changin' my friends. FAST! Seems like every dawn brings us some new problem or calamity. Endless outrage, vile rhetoric, familiarized hatred, and the perpetual downward spiral of our different societies caused by different viewpoints and different priorities. It's getting weirder by the day, and as much as we can try to keep our heads above it, we're still likely to struggle from time to time. There's so much negativity around us and it's only piling higher. It can definitely become hard to see over, around, under, or through all the chaos and madness. But that makes it even more crucial to keep our eyes fixed on God!

We can't afford to let this world and its discourse steal our attention, our joy, or our peace. We can't let what's happening around us shake us to the point that we lose sight of the hope that we have in Christ. Yes, things are bad. But yes, He's still good. With as crazy as this place seems to be getting, I'd say it's probably a very good time to focus on our faith. Growing in Christ is something that should be at the top of our list of priorities as it is. But in the face of so much unrest and uncertainty, we better make sure we're where we need to be in our relationships with Him.

I understand that a lot of what's going on right now is important. We need to pay attention and not simply follow the leader or go with the flow. It's safe to say that the flow of this place is headed in a direction to a place that we ain't gonna like! So we need to make sure that we're aware of what's going on so that we don't end up just falling in line and doing as we're told by people who don't know right from wrong or truth from lies. There are an awful lot of agendas and angles in our world. Shouldn't be that way but it is. So we need to make sure we’re running everything through the filter of our faith so that we stick to the course that God has called us to follow.

With as nuts as everything is getting, and how hard it can be to weave our way through it all, we need to hold tighter than ever to what we know is right. We need to become absolutely resolute in our faith and our relationship with our Father. This world is going to continue going to pieces. People will continue doing what they want to do without regard to the consequences. Sin will continue to be celebrated. The truth will continue to be ignored. And our faith will continue to be pushed further and further out of the mainstream until we're out of the way of those who are busy pleasing the masses. To be honest, we shouldn't expect anything different.

We have to stop expecting our journeys as Christians to be easy. They shouldn’t be. We shouldn’t feel comfortable here. In fact, we should feel quite the opposite. If we’re comfortable or accepted then that’s a pretty good sign that we’re maybe a little too much like the world around us and not enough like Christ. If things are easy then maybe we've veered off onto that wide and smooth path that the Bible tells us leads to destruction. Maybe we've become a bit too focused on worldly things and allowed our faith to slide down the list of what matters most to us. Maybe the reason that we're shaken by every little thing that happens is because we've allowed some cracks to form in our foundation.

I know that life is full of uncertainty that can quickly lead to things like doubt and fear. And with the continual influx of hatred and wickedness being brought to our front doors, well, it just makes things even more troublesome. Just know that none of this has or will catch God off guard. And He hasn't changed His plans or promises either. So focus on Him. He is our source of hope and peace, and nothing this world does should be able to take it away. When we're built on Him then our foundation will be as sturdy as it can possibly be. The world may fall apart, but our faith will keep us from doing so!

When our eyes are fixed on Him then nothing around us will have the power to inject fear into our hearts. We know how this ends, and even if the road to that end is rough, it can't change the victory that's already been won. So keep going. Keep growing your faith in the Almighty. And always remember that a resolute faith and unyielding focus on serving Christ will see us through whatever blows up next!


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