Day 2375 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Philippians 1:6 NIV

Like we talked about yesterday, the best is still ahead. Not because life is going to suddenly smooth out. Not because everyone will stop being mean and nasty to one another. Not because peace is likely to be found in this world. No, the best is still ahead because God is still at work. That's another one of those facts that is all too easy to forget when we're focused on the state of the world around us. We see so much bad all the time that we can start wondering where God is in all of it. But He's there.

He's still working in the hearts and souls of those who are willing to follow Him rather than the ways of this place. He's still guiding His people to the plans and promises that He has for them. He is still working miracles and healing those who are lost and suffering. He is still unfolding His will every single day. The problem is that it often gets lost behind other things. It gets overshadowed by the downfall. We get used to hearing and seeing how bad things are getting and when that's what we focus on then it's only natural to take on this pessimistic outlook. But we can't let ourselves head in that direction because it only leads to doubt.

Things are bad in many ways. There is absolutely no arguing that. We've talked a lot in these posts about the wrongs, the wickedness, and the issues that our world is facing. But only focusing on the bad will keep us from seeing the good. Only worrying about how strange things are getting will easily lead us to thinking that it's all falling apart. But we have to understand that God is still in control. He can still bring something good out of all the bad. He can still help us grow in the right direction when the rest seem to going the wrong way. He will always fulfill His promises because He is the very definition of faithful.

The thing that we have to always keep in mind is that God didn't bring us this far to just leave us and hope the momentum will keep us going. He didn't start working in our lives just to walk away and leave the job unfinished. He didn't start leading us toward Him and His eternal hope only to stop halfway there. He has been beside us every single day. He has gotten us through things that we thought would be the end of us. He has walked every step of this journey to keep us going in the right direction because He knows that we will never find our way without Him. So we have to stop wondering where God is in all the mess that we're seeing around us. He never went anywhere, we just got distracted by other things.

Look, the fact is that Christ is still coming back one day. While it seems that truth has been lost behind the headlines and under the outrage, it hasn't changed. Nothing this world does will change His plans. Nothing going on around us will unravel His promises. Nothing will ever be able to take His control from Him, and He's not going to just hand it over either. He started something good. He sent Christ to prove it. And He calls us to keep walking forward in the faith that tells us that He's not done yet. He isn't! There is still good coming. There is more good coming than we can imagine. And we can't afford to let what's going on in this world convince us otherwise, because if we do, then we just might give up hope and stop trusting Him. Definitely not a place we want to go!

I completely understand how hard it can be to find the good in rough days. And while it seems like we're seeing plenty of those harder days, it doesn't change anything about God. He is still good and His promises are still good. He won't give up because the world turns away and chooses to ignore Him. He will always continue working in the hearts and lives of His people. Don't miss out on what He has coming. Like I've been saying, the road there may be hard and full of trouble, but the promise at the end still stands. And it will make all the work, all the focus, all the effort, and all the faith more than worth it. So hold on and keep trusting Him. He's got this and He will never let us down!



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