Day 2378 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Timothy 4:12 NIV

Have you ever had someone say something so nice that it just wrecked you? A compliment or something good about you that they've noticed or something about you that they're thankful for. Well, I had that happen to me the other day and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it ever since. An old friend of mine told me something that I never expected to hear, and it's one of the most encouraging and yet painful things that I've ever heard about myself. It feels incredible to know that someone has fond memories of me, but also horrible to realize that I could have done so much better by them.

As I've shared a bit here recently, a long time ago when I was just a kid I started veering off course. It's one of those hindsight things. We look back at the things we've done and the choices we've made and realize how much different things could have been had we done something differently. We are able to see all the mistakes so much more clearly and it just sucks! I now realize that all those years ago I chose the path of popularity over what may have had more meaning. I chose to be what the majority of people would like and appreciate over appreciating the ones who liked me as I was. And as tough as that is to realize now, it's also exactly what I needed to hear because I will make sure that never happens again!

You see, as we're growing up we can always pull out that "I'm learning as I go" card. We can blame our poor choices and stupid mistakes on our lack of wisdom or life experience. We can convince ourselves that it's okay to make some mistakes here and there because we're young and foolish and we'll get our act together someday down the line. That's not good enough. Age has nothing to do with it. We all have the ability weigh all of our options and choose to do what's right over any other path. We all have the responsibility to be intelligent and make the best possible decisions that we can make regardless of how old we are when we make them.

That's exactly what this verse here is teaching us. Age is a number. Yes, as that number gets bigger our intelligence and our experience grows as well. But all of that is secondary. What matters is that we live our lives in a way that we know is right. What matters is that we live to set a good example in everything we do, everything we say, and in every single choice that we make. And that's because every bit of it matters! It may not always seem like it. When we're kids we don't usually take the time to make sure that we're doing what's best. We just roll with it as they say. We go with the flow and usually end up doing more following than leading.

But again, that will never be good enough. Trust me, having been doing a whole lot of looking back and going through the mistakes I've made, I can say with all honesty that following along with what others do or what they want from you because it's easier just isn't worth the things that you'll lose and miss out on in the process. And time doesn't rewind! So we have to live every single day making the best choices that we can possibly make according to what is right not what's easy or expected. Every choice we make matters. And those choices could very well lead not only us but anyone who's looking at our example in the wrong direction.

The bottom line is that all of us can do better. We can do so much better. We have the duty, the opportunity, and the responsibility to live our lives in the very best way that we possibly can. Young or old, experienced or still figuring things out, wise or not quite there, none of it matters. The way we treat others, the love and kindness that we display in our actions, and the truth and faith that we convey in our every word and deed is what tells the whole story of who we are and what matters to us. Make no mistake, it all matters more than we know to more people than just ourselves.

We are here to live and lead by example. Following along with what everyone else is doing or expects from us, doing what's easy, or taking that calling lightly will never be good enough. Doing what's right and striving to live good lives every single day that we're given will make a difference, not only for us, but also for anyone that chooses to watch what we're doing. Never take that lightly because we don't get the chance to go back and do things better. So we better fight to do the very best that we can here and now!


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