Day 2394 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Joshua 24:15a NIV

It's a choice that every single person must make. In many ways it's a choice that we must make every single day. We're definitely given plenty of options to choose from in our modern world. We're surrounded by people who are serving a million different things for a million different reasons. And many of them are always in recruiting mode. They want us to join their ranks, agree with their priorities, and validate their choices. But what we have to understand is that just doing what everyone around us is doing may not be the best thing.

So who or what are we going to serve? Who or what are we going to worship? Who or what are we going to devote our time, our attention, our energy, our lives to following? Whether we realize it or not, we make that massive choice all the time. Unfortunately we often make it blindly by just following the crowd and allowing others to pretty much make it for us. We allow this world to tell us what's important. We take the easier route by simply adopting the priorities and goals of those around us because we think they've already got it figured out.

Not so fast my friends! Not so fast. As we've talked about in plenty of these posts, this place is jacked up. There are so many wicked and evil priorities that people are serving nowadays. People have bowed down to sin and the sinful and worship them like there's nothing wrong, like there are no consequences. But as convenient as that way of thinking may be, it doesn't make it the truth. It doesn't change God's mind or alter His truth. He is not swayed by the arrogance of man, so we better ditch that idea and realize that He isn't playing around.

So again, who or what are we going to serve? Are we going to serve fear? Are we going to serve idolatry? Are we going to serve popularity? Are we going to serve politics? Are we going to serve greed? Are we going to serve social media? Are we going to serve materialism? Are we going to serve the need to be accepted? Are we going to serve the desire to be powerful? Are we going to serve this idea that life is all about us? Are we going to serve this idea that this world is all there is and that our comfort here is all that matters?

Those are the options that so many have chosen and continue to choose. This place is so consumed with self that we've created these worldly gods as a way for us to serve ourselves. We are so inherently selfish that we have to find a way to do what we want to do without making it seem so blatantly egocentric. So that's exactly what this world does. And that's what all these broken priorities point toward. So many choose to serve the gods of this world rather than the God who created this world.

I just wanted to remind you that there is only one way to salvation. There is only one way to Heaven. There is only one way to an eternity of peace and rest, and it is not found along any of the broken paths that the world around us has chosen to walk. It is found in Christ alone. That's it. That's the only way. Living our lives in service of any other god, any other priority, any other goal will only leave us at the end of the road wishing we could go back and do things differently. But when our time here is done, that's not a chance that we're given.

Choosing to serve God and spend our lives living for His glory according to His will is always going to be one of the least popular choices. That's because it calls for an end of self and a rebirth into a different way of living that does not have us on the throne. That's not something that this place will ever be interested in because it goes against the selfish and sinful nature that so many prefer. But we are not here to do what's popular, to serve what's normal, or to choose to live our lives like everyone else is living theirs. We're here to serve Christ and point others to Him.

Again, He is the only way to the right side of eternity. So choose wisely folks.


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