Day 2395 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 81:12 NIV

Our stubbornness in this unrelenting desire to do as we wish is leading us to nothing but problems. The issue is that we've been taught that our freewill is what leads us to freedom. We've turned our world into this kind of free-for-all playground where rules are only there to be broken and consequences don't exist. Now as fun and carefree as that may be for now, it doesn't overwrite God's law. The world's twisted version of "truth" doesn't make His truth obsolete. It only leads people to thinking that they know better than He does. Problem.

We don't know better. We never will. The issue is that we've become convinced that we do. So many have fallen in love with this idea that they can do whatever they want without consequence. The world around us sells this lie that sin isn't real and that we're free to do anything as long as it makes us feel good. And people buy it up. That lie has become so pervasive that reeling people back in to the reality of sin is nearly impossible. The concept of worldly freedom is more appealing than living according to morals and decency. This place's version of the truth is easier to accept than God's version. And so people will blindly continue choosing that broken path thinking that it leads to satisfaction.

Folks are so consumed with what they want that they don't even consider anything else. They don't consider what's right or wrong. They don't take the time to weigh the options and calculate the consequences. They don't worry about the possibility of being wrong because they're convinced that they can't be wrong. If is makes them feel good or makes them popular or brings them some temporary satisfaction then it must be right. Right? Not even close. That way of thinking puts our wicked hearts on the throne and serves our sinful desires. Definitely not the direction to go if we want to find something good. Our pasts should be more than enough evidence of that!

But still, God doesn't force us to accept Him, His truth, or His calling to leave sin behind and strive for something better. We talked yesterday about how that is a choice that each of us have to make for ourselves. If He forced it then it wouldn't be personal. If we didn't decide in our hearts to leave our selfish and sinful desires behind then it wouldn't have any meaning to us. It would just be going through the motions without any real connection or reality. We would just be robots that didn't make any mistakes or get anything wrong. And that's not how it works.

God created us to be His people, but we chose to be like the world around us. He made us to do good deeds and live out His perfect will for our lives. We chose to make our own way so that we could ensure we get what we want. He created us in His image and calls us to be holy as He is holy. We've settled for being a clone of a broken humanity and blindly following the sinful toward impending disaster. But hey, it's fun right now. It's easy. It's popular. It's normal. It's just the kind of freedom we're looking for because we think that there are no limits. Doesn't change the destination though.

Folks, this world is going down hard. People are so bent on sin and unwilling to consider the possibility that they may be wrong that they simply won't budge. But please think for yourself. Please open your eyes to the possibility that a life without restrictions or consequences just may be a little too good to be true. It isn't true. It isn't real. It's a lie that our world has developed in order to make sin seem okay. Please don't keep believing that lie because it's leading so many people to a whole lot of suffering. Don't risk that.

I know that on the surface it seems like God's way and His truth are more limited and controlled. But narrow is the road that leads to life and only a few find it. Be in the few that find eternal life. Be among the few that turn to God and allow Him to save you from the eternal suffering that a life spent chasing a lie leads toward. He is giving each of us the chance to choose Him over the sin that we've spent our lives serving. Take that offer because it's the only way to eternal peace. The time for laughing it off and taking this lightly is running out. Don't leave it too late!


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