Day 2396 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 25:26 NIV

Look, I'm not going to apologize for calling it like it is. I know that isn't a very popular thing in our world anymore. There's this aversion to the truth that our society has adopted that will only make matters worse going forward. People nowadays just want to feel free to sin at will without anyone pointing out the mistakes or having to deal with the consequences. But as comfortable as that may be while on this earth, it will not work when we're standing before God one day.

So as much as it may offend or aggravate the masses, the truth, God's truth is what we're here to share. There's no arguing that this world is headed in a dangerous direction. So much wickedness and so little responsibility or willingness to turn and repent is only speeding things up. It just seems like so many have settled for sin and selfishness that there's not much chance of pulling things back and righting this ship before it sinks into the abyss. A post-truth society may really seem great to those who abhor righteousness, but man it's headed for a crash.

As Christians, we have a duty to stand up for what is right and to never ever waver from that. We have been entrusted with a life-changing message that can and will save those who are willing to listen and be changed by it. But all too often we allow the fear of those around us to keep us quiet. This place is so consumed with being offended and yelling at those who tell the truth that it can easily make us hesitant to actually follow Christ and live the lives that He put us here to live.

Yes, people aren't going to like it. They're not going to like hearing the truth. They're not going to like those who go against their desire to serve themselves and live comfortably in a life of sin. They're going to hate, judge, attack, and persecute anyone who doesn't fall in line and do what they tell us to do. So we're going to have to pick. Are we going to serve the sick and twisted desires of this world so that we can please people and avoid the pushback that comes from telling the truth? Or are we going to serve Christ and refuse to bow down to the sinful?

Well, this verse makes it pretty easy if you find that choice difficult to make. To allow ourselves to compromise the truth or deviate from the calling to follow Christ just to placate the wicked around us is not acceptable. Allowing the desires of a broken humanity to become more of a concern than leading people to Christ and repentance from sin is not acceptable. Letting the fear of man become a snare that keeps us from sharing the Gospel is not, and never will be good enough. We owe Him more than that.

So the time has come for us to reach around and find our backbone. The time has come to stop whitewashing or ignoring the truth so that we don't ruffle any feathers. It's time to stop bowing to the world's choice to celebrate sin and stand up for what's right. We can't point people to Christ and His righteousness if we're not willing to stand apart from the herd and live differently. Yeah, it's going to mean that we'll be hated. We'll be called names and labeled as haters or whatever other idiotic title this insane world comes up with. So be it.

We may not be popular for following Christ and sharing His message. But at least we won't be worthless. At least we won't be clones of a world that simply fall in line and follow society to an endless amount of suffering in hell. Our lives here are not meant to be comfortable or easy. They're meant to be our chance to serve in the army of God carrying a message that stands in stark contrast to the vile ways of our world. So get ready my friends. It's time to stand for what's right and stop allowing this place to push us off of that mark.

It's better to be hated for doing what's right than to be loved for doing what's wrong. Never forget that. This world and the foolish opinions therein do not define us. If anything, being hated by a wicked world only shows that maybe we did something different. And that's exactly what we're called to do. So don't risk being a muddied spring or a polluted well that serves no purpose. Live a life that unfalteringly points to Christ. He's the only hope any of us have of an eternity that we don't deserve.


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