Day 2397 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 15:14 NIV

We better watch who and what we're following because where they go, we go. And friends, if you're not already aware, this world and its twisted ways are headed straight to hell. Yep, that's harsh language. That's offensive. That's a truth that is inconvenient and hurts a little bit. That's a message that slaps us in the face and makes us realize that our choices have consequences and we're the only ones that are responsible for them. So if the truth hurts our feelings and opens our eyes a bit, good.

When we blindly fall in line and choose to mirror what everyone else is doing then we become just like them. We allow ourselves to model our lives based on the ways of life that are considered normal and common. But friends, what's normal and common in this world isn't okay. It's not anywhere close to good. What this world does, how it chooses to operate, and the sin that has so many enslaved is not acceptable in God's eyes. So friends, it can't be acceptable in our lives either.

So we better get to doing some soul searching. A little bit of self-evaluation. We need to ensure that the things and people in our lives aren't leading us to a place we don't want to go. We need to ensure that the choices we're making are making us better people and helping us grow closer to Christ. If they're not, then we need to fix some stuff. If there is anything in our lives that is pulling us in the wrong direction then we better cut it loose before it drags us down and leaves us for dead.

I know that our world has so many ways to make sin seem okay. I know that so many people are living these great looking lives that seem free from care and consequence. I know that wickedness is celebrated and glorified in this place. But none of it changes God's truth, His calling to be holy, or His desire for us to be better than this broken world and its twisted ways. It simply does not matter what anyone else says is good enough. It doesn't matter how popular something may be. If it's wrong, it's wrong and God's not going to budge on that.

We have to stop living our lives based on what this world does and start living like God calls us to live. Christ didn't just blend in and go with the flow. He flipped tables, chased people from the temple, and never veered from the truth. Going with the current wasn't good enough then. And considering our world has only continued falling into sin and depravity ever since, it's not good enough now either. So as much as it may hurt to be different, we don't have another choice. It may cause some friction and pushback, but if we don't walk a different direction than the world around us then we're going to end up where we don't want to be.

The blind leading the blind is standard practice in our world. So many have chosen to remain blind to the truth because they want to do as they wish without fear of consequence. And those who aren't strong enough to think for themselves or courageous enough to be different just fall in line and follow their foolish leaders. Do not be among that crowd! Do not just do as everyone else does. Do not shove God's truth about sin and His call to repent aside because the world around us does. It's simply not worth enduring the endless suffering that brings for a little comfort or acceptance here and now.

The bottom line is that this place will never open its eyes to the truth of the Gospel. But we can't afford not to. If we don't, then just as this verse tells us, we're following the rest of the blind straight to misery. Please don't risk that. We have been warned. Now the choice is on us.


  1. Amen. Walk with Jesus he won't lead us in the wrong direction.

    1. Nope, after all, He is the way so He knows it better than anyone!!


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