Day 2398 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 119:37 NIV

I don't know about you, but the more I pay attention to the world around us the more down I feel. The more I try to understand why people are the way they are and why they prioritize the things they do the more distracted I become. So many of the things that people are chasing are just pointless. The way that so many people treat one another is simply unneeded. I don't understand it and I don't want to understand it. Trying to figure out this world will only require us to dive deeper into it, and we're called to go a different direction.

Yesterday we talked about the blind leading the blind. That's basically the status quo in our world. People blindly following other people to some goal or desire that they think will bring them some happiness or sense of satisfaction. And it might. A lot of what people chase after does bring some satisfaction. That's why they spend so much time focusing on it. But that excitement or happiness or sense of accomplishment is only temporary. It fades and leaves people back on the hunt for something else to do the trick and make them feel better again.

It's this really weird cycle that people don't even know they're trapped inside of. They don't seem to realize that worldly things and societal priorities are hollow. They're based on the broken desires of a sinful world. So chasing them makes us feel like we're doing what matters because everyone else is doing the same thing. And everyone can't be wrong, right? Well... If you haven't noticed, and I pray you have, this world doesn't care about doing what's right. The truth, the pursuit of righteousness, and the desire to rise above the norm isn't all that important in our world anymore.

But it should be to us. As Christians we're called to be different. We're called to focus on things other than what our broken world has deemed important or acceptable. We're here to live lives that matter to more than just us. We have the chance to share a message that has eternal significance and that can save people from the endless suffering that our sins deserve. So spending our time doing as everyone else is doing and chasing the things that our world says are good enough isn't good enough.

What I think we have to always remember yet seem to always forget is that carving out a life here on this earth is worthless. Creating this comfortable and picture perfect existence in a life that is only temporary in a place that won't last forever simply pales in comparison to living for the eternal will of God. Sure, living as the world does will help us fit in better. It will make our stay here more comfortable. It will bring us all the acceptance and social glory that we innately crave. But taking our eyes off of the bigger picture and the more crucial call of Christ is something that we can't afford to do.

Living a life distracted by a bunch of lies, empty desires, and a worldly perspective of what matters cannot come close to making a difference. Sadly, that's what many will settle for because it's easy and normal. But friends, why be normal when we were created in the image of God? Why settle for what everyone else is doing when we have the chance to do something different? Why spend our lives living like this world and our time on this ball of dirt is all that matters when we know that's not the case?

We have to turn our eyes away from worthless things and focus on chasing something with meaning. So let this place do what it's going to do. Just know that we don't have to be a part of it because, through Christ, we have the chance to be a part of something so much bigger.


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