Day 2431 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Peter 5:8 NIV

This one has been on my mind for quite a while now. As you know we're right around a couple of weeks from a rather different kind of holiday. As I've grown in my faith my view on halloween has changed. Now there are a bunch of different aspects to it and we could spend plenty of time discussing the finer details of it all. But this one part has really weighed heavy on my heart in recent years and I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about it a bit.

Be very careful what you allow into your life.

We're taught to consume. And entertainment is all around us. We have instant access to all kinds of different things that we can pick from. As we get closer to halloween there is this influx of some pretty messed up movies and shows that suddenly come pouring into our world. As harmless as they may seem please understand that isn't the case. We're so focused on being entertained that we rarely stop to consider what we're looking at or listening to. That's always a dangerous thing but this time of year it's even worse.

Look, I know that our world is into all this creepy stuff and that's the way it's always going to be. Sin is popular like that. But honestly, what possible good comes from filling our time by watching movies or TV shows that are simply evil? Some kind of adrenaline rush? Is it some kind of exciting new escape from our boredom? Whatever it is it's not worth it. Allowing ourselves to think it is all fun and games doesn't change the fact that allowing this garbage into our lives really does have an impact on us.

This isn't a game. It’s sin. It’s evil. Our world may be consumed with blood, guts, murder, and gore but to put it bluntly that junk doesn't have any room in our faith. It's not funny. It's not harmless. It isn't something to play with because evil does some real damage and leads us in some really dangerous directions. It plants these images and ideas in our minds that just don't need to be there. It gives the devil a little bit of room in our lives that we shouldn't be giving him.

So it's time that we start being a little more careful about what we allow ourselves to consume. The bottom line is that we are called to follow Christ and lay down our selfish and sinful ways. Our desire to be entertained cannot supersede His calling to be righteous. We can't set aside our knowledge of right and wrong for a couple of hours so that we can watch the newest horror flick. We can’t convince ourselves that taking part in the wickedness that our world is okay with is just harmless fun. It isn’t and it never will be.

As this verse is telling us, the devil is all around us just looking for ways to get into our hearts and minds. If he can make sin and evil look fun and seem exciting then he will only reel more people into his trap. I’m telling you that this garbage that people play around with this time of year is the perfect chance for the devil to get a foothold. It’s the perfect chance for him to catch people with their guards down so that he can creep in and start messing some things up. Don’t allow that to happen. It really isn’t worth it.

It’s not just a movie. It’s bigger than a TV show. It’s an external thing that we allow to take up a little bit of our lives. It’s a dangerous kind of filth that is designed to pull people in and get them to stop thinking about our responsibility to do what’s right and to flee from what’s wrong. I guess all I’m trying to say is that there is no off time in our faith. We can’t afford to let anything into our lives that isn’t leading us in the right direction. And whether you like it or not, this disgusting kind of entertainment this time of year has nothing good at all to offer us. Just stay away from it.


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