Day 2432 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 101:3 NIV

I've got another little nugget of wisdom that I'd like to share with you all today. "You can't control what you see, but you can control what you look at." I heard that the other day and I think it goes right along with what we've been talking about for a while now. We're surrounded with things that just shouldn't be happening. Our world is completely enraptured with sin and wickedness. It's everywhere and people are soaking it up like it's the greatest thing ever.

But if we think that we can play along and pretend that it's not that bad then we're fooling ourselves. As Christians we're called to flee from what is evil. Not to entertain it. Not to allow it to entertain us. We should be completely disgusted by it. We're to have nothing to do with it because it pulls us in the opposite direction of where we're supposed to be heading. In Christ there is no sin. There is no evil. There is no room for deception or debauchery. And we shouldn't want that junk in our lives either.

The problem is that we're in a place that flings that garbage around like some kind of confetti after a big celebration. There is no end to the wickedness in this place. But even though we may be surrounded with things that are simply wrong, we can still choose what we allow into our lives. We discussed that yesterday and it really is something that we should always keep in mind because we can't afford to allow things in that are going to drag us down.

I know that it's hard to abstain from worldly things. We all have friends or family members that are caught up in some of it. We all see messed up things when we turn on the TV. We hear some pretty twisted things while sitting in traffic next to the guy that forgot you can turn your music down. It's on billboards, all over social media, sin and evil are everywhere! But just because we see it doesn't mean we have to look at it.

It's just a matter of what we allow ourselves to pay attention to. Yes, there's all sorts of garbage around us. But we don't have to look at it. We may see it but we don't have to sit there and study it. We may hear it but we don't have to listen to what's being said. We have the ability to turn away. We have the ability to block it out. We have the right to say that we're not going to let this vile junk into our lives because if there's nothing good there then what can it possibly offer us?

We can't change what this world puts around us. We can't stop the world from making pathetic TV shows, producing garbage movies, playing disgusting music, or messing around with whatever other kind of vile nonsense that people come up with. But we can choose what we look at. We can choose what we listen to. We can choose what we allow into our eyes and ears. And we have to because what we allow into our eyes and ears makes its way to our hearts and minds and what we have in our hearts and minds is what we have to share with those around us.

As I said yesterday, this isn't a game. Sin and evil aren't things to be played with. We will be surrounded by darkness for as long as we're on this earth, but we don't have to mingle with it. We're called to be the light in that darkness and letting any of it in will only dim that light that we're here to shine. Just remember that this world and all of its messed up ways will pass away one day. Don't get caught up in something that will only lead you away from Christ. We won’t want to be on the wrong side of right when He returns!


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