Day 2433 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Jude 1:4 NIV

I read something last night that someone posted in another Bible group on facebook. I honestly still can't believe it. It literally stopped me in my tracks and hit me so hard that I'm still in amazement today. This person posted a message talking about how Christians today talk too much about sin and the devil. He said that we need to lighten up and stop taking things so seriously.


This is a war and in a war you have no choice but to take things seriously. We're all up against an enemy that is trying to steal our eternal peace and hope. We're facing an enemy that is trying to lure us away from the very God who created us and loves us so much that He sent His Son to die in our place for our mistakes. We cannot take this thing lightly for even a second!

In my opinion we don't take sin seriously enough. We don't talk enough about it. We see these megachurches talking about prosperity and worldly comforts. We hear rockstar preachers telling people that all they have to do is pray one prayer one time and they're all set. We hear messages telling us that certain sins aren't as bad as others because they make people happy or bring them some enjoyment.

Enough. If we think that God is going to compromise on His holiness because of our inability to let go of the thrills of sin then we're sadly mistaken. If we think that we can go ahead doing as we please under the assumption that Christ won't mind us throwing our arrogant sense of freedom in His face then we should be ashamed of ourselves. If we can look at the cross and then look at our sins and not feel guilty then we're not where we need to be and our faith is nothing but a religion built upon things that allow us to remain comfortable where we are.

As I said up top and in plenty of recent posts, this is a war. In a war you have to understand the dangers that your enemy poses. You have to understand that if you take your eye off of the giant in front of you then you're accepting defeat. We can't afford to lighten up on sin or stop sharing the dangers of living in this carefree delusion that so many have settled for today. Easing up on the reality of sin only makes it seem a little less serious. And friends, it couldn't be more serious.

Look, I know that our world thinks we're insane. Walking away from everything that they find enjoyable and choosing to follow the narrow path that leads to something that none of us can see or begin to understand. But once God has opened our eyes to the reality of sin and our desperate need for His grace then there's no going back. There's no chilling out. There's no room for looking at this thing we call salvation as some kind of game that we can play around with.

As I've been sharing the past few days, please be careful!! Please don't allow anyone to convince you to lighten up, calm down, or compromise on the seriousness of faith. This is your life and your eternity. This is your peace and your hope. This is everything. The war in front of us is only growing, and sadly, sin and wickedness are even finding their way into some people who call themselves believers. Don't look at what someone calls themselves, look at what they say and what they do. If it doesn't line up with God's word and His truth then run!

If you want someone who's going to tell you that we can do anything we want, that sin isn't that dangerous, or that it's okay to lighten up in our faith then I'm not your guy. Our mission is to lead people to the salvation that is found in Christ alone and the continual repentance of the sins that come between us and Him. I will not take that lightly, and I won't allow anyone else to either. This isn't a game and I will never treat it like one. Salvation isn't found along the road that's easy and comfortable. It's found along the road that requires us to leave our selfish desires behind and continually fight to keep our eyes fixed on Christ.


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