Day 2439 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

2 Chronicles 36:16 NIV

And yet another one from my nightly reading that I couldn't help but have to read a few times. It really is incredible how the Bible has this timeless aspect that still fits the way our world operates all these years after it was first written. And what's maybe even more amazing is that there are some who doubt that the Bible is God's word or think that it only applied to one group of people in one place at one point in history. Open your eyes folks!

This is another one that we're seeing unfold all over again in our society. Now I understand that there will always be those who loathe the idea of faith and think that our beliefs are foolish. There will always be those who can't comprehend why we would choose to live life doing what's morally right and refuse to go along with the wickedness that so many find enjoyable. But there's a line that gets crossed sometimes and it never really works out when people go too far in that direction.

Our world's desire to recreate truth and shove God's version as far away as possible may seem fun and give folks a sense of power or control for a minute. After all, that's exactly what many are seeking these days. They don't care who they step on, who they make fun of, or what they have to do in order to keep that sense of superiority. People nowadays will mock, ridicule, judge, persecute, belittle, and hate anyone who doesn't go along with the filth that so many find fascinating.

I want to break this down in a couple different ways to a couple different groups of people. That's basically what this will all boil down to. One group that follows Christ, believes in the Bible, and chooses to live life pursing righteousness and the calling we have in Christ. Then the other group that hates the first group because God's truth stands in stark contrast to their desire to formulate their own truth and pursue this new deceitful version of freedom that sin offers to those who ignore the reality of right and wrong.

To the first group, my fellow believers: Let them push. Let them hate. Let them do whatever they choose to do. Folks on the other side of right and wrong don't understand that there is more going on than what their eyes can see. They live like this world and these lives are all that matter and that they're free to do anything they want because they haven't been put in their place or been forced to see the error in their ways. Just wait.

Now for those on that side who think faith equals folly and feel the need to hate those who choose to walk a more narrow and controlled path: Be careful. It might be fun to put others down. It might make you feel special to judge those who choose to live differently. It may be popular to walk on that more relaxed side of morality. Just know that God is real, His commandments do matter, and He will only be pushed so far before He pushes back. And when He moves it does not work out well for anyone who is against Him.

At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter which side someone is on. It doesn't matter how fun our world finds sin and wickedness. It doesn't matter what the unfaithful do or say to those who live by faith and trust in God. It's all going to end the way the Bible says it will. Those who have accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior and lived their lives in a way that reflects that will go one way while those who reject Christ and ignore God's offer to repent and be saved will go the other.

Just know that right now you have a choice. You have a chance. It might be easier and far more popular to live according to our world's carefree ways but it doesn't change God's promises. It doesn't alter His definition of right and wrong. So please don't waste your life laughing off His truth so that you can live according to your own. It will not work out well. He will only be pushed so far and at that point there will be "no remedy" to His wrath. Please humble yourself before Him and realize this is not a game. It simply isn't worth living like it is only to find out that you were wrong.


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