Day 2442 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 1:5 NIV

We've all had those mornings where we're sleeping peacefully. Finally getting some rest, not a care in the world, just comfy and cozy lying in our warm beds. Then light pierces the darkness and forces us to open our eyes. We're awaken from our restful slumber and forced to get the day under way. Usually we want to ignore that prompting to rise and get after it. We just want to sleep a little while longer. But eventually the light of day wins and we rouse ourselves to face the unknowns ahead of us.

The dark is easier. It's more comfortable. It requires almost no effort because it's all about resting. That's why our world loves existing in the dark. It doesn't feel compelled to move, to change, to act. People can just lie in these comfy and cozy shadows doing whatever makes them feel good. Darkness provides this sense of comfort and relaxation that will always appeal to those who have things they're trying to hide or who loathe the idea of being forced to face whatever awaits them. But at some point, that darkness will be sent running by the light.

That's why people hate our faith and our sharing of it. Every time the name of Christ is spoken it stirs something in those who hear it. It forces people to consider their ways and question their actions. It reminds folks of the thing that they're trying to ignore. His name brings light into whatever space it's spoken into and those who want to remain comfortable in the dark hate that. They want to be left alone in their dimmed delusion that affords them the comfort of neglecting their responsibilities and the necessity of action and change.

Every single one of us have been there. We've lived in the dark. We've made comfort and relaxation our priorities. We've ignored the stirring of the light as it forced us to acknowledge things that we were trying to avoid or keep hidden. But eventually that light illuminated the lies we were believing and encouraged us to make some changes and do something different. Christ’s light inspired us to leave the relative ease of the darkness behind and embrace the gift of truth and renewal that He offers everyone.

It's not easy to leave the comfort of the dark for the uncertainty of walking into the unknown. It isn't easy leaving behind all the comfy and cozy lies that we've believed and accepting the fact that we were wrong. That's why so few do it. That's why the path is narrow and those who find it are so few. As they say, if it were easy then everyone would do it. But our world will always prefer the darkness of sin to the light of Christ. As I said above, the darkness allows people to think they're hiding. It gives them this sense of secrecy that allows them to think that they can do whatever they want without having to face the terror of those wicked deeds being seen in the light.

But friends, no matter how much anyone may try to avoid it, delay it, or ignore it, Christ's light will win. Darkness doesn't stand a chance. I know I've said this a bunch in these posts, but no amount of darkness can extinguish even the faintest glimmer of light. Nothing this world does can ever put out the light of our Lord. Everything that has been done in the shadows will be brought to light. Every person who has hidden themselves in the darkness will come into the light. We can either do it the easy way or the hard way. That choice is ours alone to make.

Folks, the darkness that we've called home will always want us to avoid the light because the light forces us to move. It forces us to step out of our hiding places and unveil our sins and mistakes. That isn't an easy thing to do. But it's better to do it now while we have the gift of His mercy and salvation available than to wait until this world has passed away and we're left suddenly standing before His throne with no answer to give for the life we lived, wicked things we did, or why we refused His gift.

The darkness is going to lose either way. We can get on the winning side of that battle now by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and spend every single day we have left following Him and leaving our selfish and sinful ways behind. Or we can end up on the losing side and face an eternity of carrying the weight of the reality that we were wrong. Don't take that chance!


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