Day 2457 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 6:1 NIV

Yesterday we talked about how we're called to be the light in the darkness that surrounds us. We have to be the ones who stand up and point the way to something better than what this world has settled for. We have to be willing to be different and live differently in order to help the world see that it's Christ who gives us the strength to go against what's considered normal and provides the hope of an eternity that is better than what awaits this wicked society.

But we need to always remember that we're not doing it for us. That's one thing that trips a lot of people up. It's easy to start focusing on doing right for all the wrong reasons. It's easy to start displaying our righteousness in order to be praised or held in high regard by those who see us. It's easy to make this all about us, but that will never be the point because we're not the ones who can save people. That's Christ's part.

I think we can all agree that there's something about self-righteous people that is just off-putting. It's this kind of arrogance and pride that is so unnecessary that it makes people uncomfortable and turns them away from paying any attention to anything that you may have to say. When we act like we're better than others then people aren't going to be interested in what we're telling them. They’ll just assume that whatever we say or do is only done in order to retain the pride that clearly motivates us. And let's be honest, there's plenty of that in this place already.

Christianity will never be a popularity contest. It has nothing to do with gaining worldly praise or making people proud of us. It's not a matter of making ourselves look good or pretending that we're better than those around us. All of those things do nothing but put the spotlight on ourselves rather than where it needs to be. If we're seeking our own glory then we're wrong. I don't really know of any way to make that more clear.

And the Bible tells us that as well. Our faith is one of humble service not prideful personal gain. If our faith has more to do with making us look good, gaining worldly praise, or boosting our egos then our faith is simply in ourselves and we're only serving what helps us. That could not be more different than what Christ came to do and what He calls us to do. It's time to stop putting ourselves in the way and simply live as road signs pointing to Him.

All of this selfish vanity is a worldly cancer that grows and kills off the selflessness that true Christianity requires. Simply put, living to make ourselves look good gains nothing. It may earn us some praise. We may have a more comfortable ride in this life. We might even find all kinds of worldly success and honor and wealth. But it will do nothing that has any eternal significance. It will do nothing to help other people. It will do nothing to enlarge His kingdom.

Friends, we have to get out of the way. Like I said up top, Christ is the one who can save people. He’s the one that helps people change their hearts and discover a new way of living according to His truth and gives them the strength and courage to leave this world and its broken ways behind. All you and I can do is point the way to Him. As I’ve said before, our reward isn’t a life filled with praise and glory. Our reward is a Heaven filled with other sinners who found Christ because we made the introduction and then got out of the way!


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